Information evening for those who want to provide a secure home for young people in need
People who have a spare room and would like to provide a secure home for young people in need are being invited to find out more at an online information evening in October.
On 7 October there will be a special online evening for those wanting to find out more about how their spare room can be a safe secure space, either as a foster carer or as part of the Wiltshire Council Supported Lodgings Scheme.
People can log into (opens new window) at 7:30pm for the meeting which will have information on the schemes with time to ask questions and find out more.
Supported lodgings is a scheme in which carers provide a home to young people who need additional support and are not ready to live independently.
It is usually for young people aged 16-18 who are developing their independence skills and can continue up until they are aged 21 or longer if they are still in full-time education.
People that need supported lodgings are either in care, leaving care or unaccompanied and seeking asylum in the UK. They may need help with cooking, budgeting and making appointments.
The young people who live in supported lodgings placements tend to be more independent than their peers who live in foster care. They need the support of a trusted adult but not always the same high level of care and supervision that younger children in foster care need.
Many people who have offered spare rooms for Afghan refugees are asked to consider supported lodgings as an option.
Cllr Laura Mayes, Cabinet Member for Children's Services said: "We welcome people from all cultural backgrounds to join us as foster carers or supported lodgings carers. You need a spare bedroom for the young person to use during their stay with you and a home that is warm and welcoming.
"We provide a full training programme and you will receive ongoing training and support so you are not alone."
For more information visit email (opens new window) , call 0800 169 6321 or text the word Foster to 60002.