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Inspection of Adult Social Care Services in Wiltshire

Introduction by Cllr Jane Davies, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care

Portrait of Cllr Jane Davies

Last year the government appointed the independent regular the Care Quality Commission to inspect all local authorities in England over a two-year period. The appointment was made to ensure councils are inspected to ensure they are providing good standards of care for adult residents.

Wiltshire Council is one of the local authorities the commission is currently inspecting, and we are providing information about our services. Inspectors will visit week beginning 23 September to meet with a range of providers, people using the services and our staff. The information provided will then give a judgement on how well we are doing and providing our services.

We welcome this inspection and while we believe we are providing a good level of service for everyone, it is important to us we hear from these independent assessors as well.  We will share the results of this inspection later this year. We also want to hear from people who have used Wiltshire Council services and we encourage people to email our Voice It, Hear It providers at (opens new window) to share feedback as this will be part of the information we share.

Below is some further information on the assessment and I look forward to sharing progress with you as we move forward.

Cllr Jane Davies.

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