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Climate emergency - latest progress


In February 2019 we resolved to acknowledge a climate emergency and to seek to make the county of Wiltshire carbon neutral by 2030. A Global Warming and Climate Emergency Task Group was set up to gather evidence and come up with recommendations on achieving this. Our Cabinet subsequently committed to make the council carbon neutral by 2030.

A climate strategy has been adopted to enable us to meet these commitments.

The plan is evidence and data led, and includes a community led approach which engages, empowers, enables and communicates with Wiltshire communities and businesses.

We commissioned an independent consultant to provide us with a detailed technical study of ours, and the county's, climate ambitions, so we have a clear picture of the way forward and the progress we have made so far. The work has been carried out by the Anthesis Group, specialists in providing support and expertise to organisations looking to be as sustainable as possible.

Anthesis Report Wiltshire Council (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)

Anthesis Report Wiltshire County, March 2022 (PDF, 7 MB)(opens new window) 

What we are doing to tackle the problem

Since the climate emergency was confirmed in Wiltshire we have progressed the following areas, recognising that this is the start of a journey. These are the latest highlights:

Updates on the council's work to tackle the climate locally

Wiltshire Council's cabinet and full council regularly receive updates on the council's work to tackle the climate emergency locally.

Our progress to becoming a carbon neutral organisation

Climate update report - September 2024 - Appendix 1 (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)

Update of progress from the update in October 2023

Our progress to becoming a carbon neutral organisation - October 2023 (PDF, 92 KB)(opens new window)

Supporting Wiltshire to become carbon neutral - October 2023 (PDF, 158 KB)(opens new window)

Update of progress from the update in May 2023

Our progress to becoming a carbon neutral organisation - May 2023 (PDF, 170 KB)(opens new window)

Supporting Wiltshire to become carbon neutral - May 2023 (PDF, 156 KB)(opens new window)

Reports presented at cabinet and full council meetings

As well as adopting the climate strategy, we are carrying out a review of the Local Plan and developing our fourth Local Transport Plan. Carbon reduction will be an integral theme within these documents. We have also adopted a Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy. From this we will develop a woodland and tree planting policy.

We are also engaging with other public sector organisations through the Wiltshire Public Service Board and with businesses through the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP). The SWLEP has published its emerging Local Industrial Strategy (opens new window) which includes commitments to improving the strategic energy infrastructure, decarbonising our economy and helping to deliver the national climate change targets.

We will continue to engage with communities to work collaboratively towards achieving the country's decarbonisation goal.

To support our goals we have joined several leading organisations that are working towards a net zero future:

UK100 (opens new window), whose membership pledge is The people who live in the cities, towns and villages we serve deserve warm homes, secure and affordable energy, clean air and water, and local and seasonal food. They deserve access to thriving nature and healthy landscapes, and to live in a place they can be proud of.

The Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT (opens new window)) who bring together local authorities across the country and represent members interests by influencing government policy within the UK.

Race to Zero (opens new window) is a global campaign driven by science to rally leadership and support towards a net Zero Carbon future.

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