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Household Recycling Centres (HRCs)

Household Recycling Centre Site Policy

Details on Wiltshire Council's Household Recycling Centre Site Policy.

1. Introduction

Wiltshire Council is committed to providing accessible, efficient, and safe Household Recycling Centres (HRCs). These centres help residents responsibly manage their household waste and recycling. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for using HRCs in Wiltshire.

2. Purpose

This policy aims to: 

  • provide guidance on the use of HRCs by Wiltshire residents
  • ensure the safe and efficient operation of HRCs
  • promote waste minimisation and recycling in line with Wiltshire Council's environmental objectives

3. Access to Household Recycling Centres

3.1 Eligibility

  • HRCs are available to all Wiltshire residents. You may need to provide proof of residency, such as a council tax bill, utility bill, or driving licence. 
  • residents can use HRCs free of charge for disposing of their own household waste and recyclables only
  • commercial and trade waste is not accepted
  • if you collect waste as part of a business or a fee is charged, this becomes commercial waste and you must use commercial waste disposal sites, not Household Recycling Centres. These are for the sole use of householders disposing of their own waste. If you use a Household Recycling Centre in this way you are breaking the law

3.2 Vehicle access and permits

  • private cars and small trailers (under 1.8 metres in length) do not need a permit
  • permits are required for vans, pickups, and large trailers (between 1.8 metres and 3 metres in length). You must apply online for an electronic permit, which will be issued as a QR code. Permits allow a maximum of 12 visits per year. Please visit Household Recycling Centre Vehicle Permits for more information
  • vehicles such as fully-fitted campervans with permanent living fixtures do not require a permit unless they have been modified for load carrying. 
  • the sites aren't designed for safe pedestrian access and this is not permitted unless authorised by site management. 

Visit the Household Recycling Centre Vehicle Permits page for more information.

3.3 Opening hours

Opening days vary by site. All HRCs are closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and New Year's Day.  

Please check the Locations and opening times before visiting your local centre.

4. Permitted waste types

4.1 Recyclable waste

  • residents are encouraged to sort their recyclable waste before visiting a HRC. Recyclable materials include paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metals, garden waste, and electrical items

Visit What you can bring to a Household Recycling Centre page for the full list of items accepted.

  • asbestos can only be disposed of at specific HRCs (Amesbury, Purton, and Warminster) and by appointment. You must contact the site in advance

Visit the Clinical, hazardous and commercial page for details on how to arrange disposal.

4.2 Non-recyclable waste

  • non-recyclable household waste can be disposed of at Household Recycling Centres. This includes items such as mattresses and nappies.
  • larger items like furniture and upholstered domestic seating are accepted but must be disposed of in designated areas within the HRC.

More details are available on What you can bring to a Household Recycling Centre.

5. Restricted and Prohibited Items

5.1 Restricted items and prohibited items

For full details on restricted and prohibited items please visit What you can bring to a Household Recycling Centre and the Clinical, hazardous and commercial page for guidance.

6. Waste sorting requirement

Residents are asked to sort their waste before visiting an HRC to reduce time on site and maximise recycling. A third of the waste disposed of in general rubbish skips could have been recycled if properly sorted. Visit the Sort it before you bring it page for more information on how to sort your waste before a visit.

7. Site conduct and safety

Site rules:

  • always follow the instructions given by site staff
  • abusive behaviour will not be tolerated
  • smoking, alcohol consumption, and drug use are strictly prohibited on HRC premises
  • no items can be removed from site
  • children and pets must always remain inside vehicles for their safety
  • ensure your waste is securely loaded and contained to prevent accidents or spills during transport
  • you must reverse park in the designated bays

These rules ensure the safety of visitors and staff at Household Recycling Centres. Failure to comply with site conduct and safety rules will not be tolerated and you may be asked to leave the site.

8. Enforcement and penalties

  • misuse of Household Recycling Centres, including attempting to dispose of trade waste or prohibited hazardous materials, may result in penalties, fines, or prosecution. For more information please visit the Fly-tipping page for more information
  • Wiltshire Council reserves the right to restrict or ban access to HRCs for anyone found in breach of this policy

9. Monitoring and review

Wiltshire Council's waste management team will review this policy annually to ensure compliance with national legislation and assess the effectiveness of HRC services. Amendments may be made in response to legislative changes, operational requirements, or community needs.

10. Contact Information

For any enquiries relating to this policy, email (opens new window).

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