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Planning Enforcement Policy 2024

How to report possible breaches of planning control

The council will keep a record of all complaints made relating to breaches of planning control. Complaints will need to be in writing with the name and address and contact details of the complainant. Part of any investigation is understanding the harm being caused, notably to the party complaining.

We aim to treat complainants' personal details in confidence but if formal action results, we may ask the complainant to help in assisting the council when building its case. A successful outcome could depend on the complainant's support.

Anonymous complaints enquiries will not normally be investigated as it can be difficult to verify information about the allegation. Any investigation under such circumstances will be at the council's discretion.

The council relies on the support of its communities to help carry out its enforcement functions. Complainants will be asked to supply as much information as possible. This will help the council to more quickly understand the impact of an issue and assess what action is required.

Those who are making enforcement complaints will be asked to provide:

  • a clear description of the alleged breach
  • why it is considered to be a breach of planning control
  • how the breach is harmful; for example, noise, traffic, smells
  • when the activity started; is it happening now, how long has the activity been taking place, is it getting worse?
  • a specific site address (if it is a field, describe the surrounding area to help identify the exact site and if possible, an annotated map, grid reference or what3words reference)
  • the name and contact details of the site owner/occupier/other responsible person(s) where known
  • name and contact details of the complainant
  • any other information which would be helpful

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