Planning Enforcement Policy 2024
Our standards of service
The council has the following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for its planning enforcement service.
We aim to register:
- 95% of new enquiries within three working days of receipt
- 95% of enquiries within 10 working days of initial site visit
Primary Enforcement Action
Site visits
We aim to respond to as follows:
- priority 1, to respond to 80% in 24 hours
- priority 2, to respond to 95% in five working days
- priority 3, to respond to 95% in 15 working days
Reaching first decision
We aim to reach first decision as follows:
- priority 1: within five working days of visit
- priority 2: within 10 working days of visit
- priority 3: within 15 working days of visit
Secondary Enforcement Action
We aim to make a decision on taking secondary enforcement action within 10 working days of a deadline. For example, if the council gives 28 days for a planning application to be submitted, and this is not actioned, a decision on taking secondary action will be taken within 15 working days of the 28 day deadline.
We aim to assess compliance with secondary enforcement action deadlines within 10 working days.
Tertiary Enforcement Action
We aim to make a decision on taking tertiary enforcement action within 15 working days of a deadline, for example, where an Enforcement Notice has been served and the deadline for compliance has expired, a decision on taking tertiary enforcement action will be taken within 15 working days.
We aim to assess compliance with tertiary enforcement action deadlines within 10 working days.
Case Completion
We aim to complete:
- 80% of priority 1 cases within one year
- 80% of priority 2, and priority 3 cases within six months