Council Housing Enforcement Policy
Customer feedback, appeals and complaints
6. Customer feedback
6.1 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) are sent to out annually (year one 50% of tenants receive TSM, year 2 the remaining 50% receive TSM). The Regulator of Social Housing sets the core questions and the responses are collected and published on the website and reported to the Housing Board. The TSM data is submitted to the Regulator of Social Housing.
6.2 Satisfaction Surveys are sent to tenants to enable them to advise us of their opinions on the service that they have received. Negative feedback is reviewed and followed up where applicable.
6.3 Service KPIs are routinely monitored and scrutinised by the Housing Board.
7. Appeals and complaints
7.1 A demoted tenant or introductory tenant will have the opportunity to appeal the decision to seek to evict, and the Council will review the decision if requested.
7.2 A community protection notice may be appealed at a Magistrates' Court within 21 days of issue of the notice.
7.3 A closure order may be appealed at a Crown Court within 21 days of the decision to make the order.
7.4 The Council has a formal complaints' procedure which ensures that any complaint is dealt with quickly, consistently and helpfully. Complaints can be made in person, in writing, by e-mail or on-line.