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Enforcement Policy, October 2024

Appendix: Enforcement Indicators

Anti-Social Behaviour

Outcome sought: to reduce levels of reported ASB

Measure description and target: percentage of reported antisocial behaviour cases resolved within 60 days, target over 90%


Outcomes sought:

  • to take robust action against unlawful development in a timely manner, where it is expedient to do so
  • to keep complainants regularly informed of the process
  • to make prompt decisions where it is not expedient to take action, explaining the reasons for our decision unclear language

Measure descriptions and targets:

  • register and acknowledge receipt of complaints in three working days, target: 95%
  • initial site inspection (one working day for priority cases; 10 working days other cases), target: 95%
  • increased use of Planning Contravention Notices [10% increase each year for five years], target: 10%
  • close cases and inform complainants where it is not expedient to take action [eight weeks from date of receipt], target: 90%
  • increased serving of Notices (Enforcement and Breach of Condition Notices) [10% increase each year for five years], target: 10%


Outcomes sought: 

  • removal of obstructions within the Highway (Section 143 Highways Act)
  • removal of vegetation encroachment (Section 154 Highways Act)

Measure description and target: cases under investigation/ resolved / under formal enforcement % Total number cases taken to resolution, target: 85%


Outcome sought: number of Penalty Charge Notices Issued

Measure description and target: number of Penalty Charge Notices Issued, target not applicable

Public protection

  • Outcome sought: high quality compliant food premises
    • measure description and target: % of A, B and C rated food hygiene completed, target: 100%
  • Outcome sought: compliance without taking formal action
    • measure description and target: number of cases where compliance achieved by informal means (visits, inspection, warning letters etc), target: 100%
  • Outcome sought: compliance requiring formal action
    • measure description and target: number of cases where compliance achieved by formal means (Notices, seizures, prosecutions, etc), target not applicable
  • Outcome sought: compensation obtained
    • measure description and target: redress obtained for consumers or victims of crime by service actions This is where we are able to obtain compensation, refunds and prevent money being handed over to criminals. This may be through the courts or informal negotiation by officers, target not applicable

Environmental Enforcement

  • Outcome sought: informal actions conducted
    • measure description and target: actions conducted where the informal approach is proportionate, target not applicable
  • Outcome sought: formal actions conducted
    • measure description and target: actions conducted where the formal approach is proportionate, target not applicable
  • Outcome sought: fly tips with evidence
    • measure description and target: number of fly tips with evidence or witnessed, target not applicable

Private Sector Housing

Outcome sought: housing stock in good condition

Measure descriptions and targets:

  • total number of (all) property inspections complete (Per Annum), target not applicable
  • properties with Cat 1 and Cat 2 hazards resolved through informal action, target not applicable
  • properties with Cat 1 and Cat 2 hazards resolved through formal action including Prohibition notice, target not applicable
  • 100% of licensable HMOs have been issued with a licence, target 100%

HRA Housing

  • Outcome sought: reduce ASB Reduce Tenant arrears
    • measure description and target: New ASB cases reported in month per 1000 properties, target 2.75%
  • Outcome sought: reduce tenant arrears
    • measure description and target: ASB true current rent arrears at the end of month %, target not applicable

Revs and Bens

  • Outcome sought: reduce arrears owed to the council in respect of local taxation including Business Improvement District Income
    • measure description and target: unpaid Council Tax reclaimed in subsequent financial years, target 30%
  • Outcome sought: reduce arrears including Business Improvement District Income
    • target: target 40%

Accounts Receivable (Sundry debts)

Outcome sought: manage and reduce arrears for miscellaneous income due to the council, often concerning large and complex debt

Target: target 50%

Education Welfare Service

  • Outcome sought: reduce unauthorised absence from school
    • measure description and target: attendance is better than national average, target: 96%
  • Outcome sought: ensure parents are meeting their duties as per s7 Education Act 1996
    • measure description and target: penalty notices, prosecutions, Education Supervision Orders, Parenting Orders, School Attendance Orders demonstrate improved attendance. Non-compliance, breaches and non-payments are all pursued through, target: 100% follow up for non-compliance, breach and non-payment.
  • Outcome sought: all children and young people in employment and entertainment are licensed in accordance with relevant legislation
    • measure description and target: employers and entertainment companies who contravene child licensing legislation and County Bye-Laws are prosecuted, target: 100% of licences issued are in compliance


  • Outcome sought: evidence of the commitment to more enforcement
    • measure description and target: matters opened, target not applicable
  • Outcome sought: evidence of the commitment to more enforcement
    • measure description and target: recorded hours, target not applicable
  • Outcome sought: supporting the deterrent effect and profile of the Council's enforcement work
    • measure description and target: % of successful prosecutions, target: 90%

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