Environmental Enforcement Policy
Legislative compliance, shared enforcement role, equal opportunities, complaints and review of policy
Information on legislative compliance, shared enforcement role, equal opportunities, complaints and review of policy.
9.0 Legislative compliance
9.1 When required, all authorised officers will comply with Codes; B, C and E of the Police & Criminal Evidence Act (1984) (PACE) which is linked to environmental enforcement.
9.1.1 The Council Officers will obtain the necessary authorisations as required by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000) (RIPA) before conducting covert camera operations. This will ensure that operations are conducted with due regard to sensitive locations and collateral intrusion when activity is observed or recorded on tape.
10.0 Shared enforcement role
10.1 Authorised officers within the Waste & Environment Directorate will, where appropriate, share information with other officers within Wiltshire Council and with external agencies i.e. The Environment Agency, Wiltshire Police, MOD Police. This will assist in the co-ordination and partnership working to tackle environmental crime and reduce overlaps.
11.0 Equal opportunities
11.1 The Council recognises there is diversity within the community and care will therefore be taken to ensure its enforcement actions are clearly understood by providing written information in an appropriate language wherever possible. The Council can provide an interpreter service covering many languages if those involved have difficulty in speaking or writing English.
12.0 Complaints procedure
12.1 The Council has a formal complaints procedure which ensures that any complaint is dealt with quickly, consistently and helpfully. Complaints can be conducted in writing, by telephone, email or completing a complaint/suggestion form online.
13.0 Monitoring and review of the policy
13.1 This policy will be monitored and reviewed to ensure that any changes of legislation, guidance or other circumstances are considered which may affect the principles contained within this document. This process may also include consultation with the groups affected by this document; including local issues to ensure best practice.