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Household Support Fund 6 (HSF6)

How and where you can apply

In most cases households have already been identified and will be approached directly with support or asked to apply. 

However, there are various ways other people can seek support.

Projects are being set up across Wiltshire communities and promoted to those eligible and most in need. 

Website links will be continuously updated as projects and access routes to funding become available - some of which may be delivered over the autumn and winter months.

Wellbeing Hub

The Wiltshire Wellbeing Hub Team can talk to you about your situation and support needs. By asking a few questions they can signpost you to the most appropriate scheme or third-party organisation (TPO), charity or voluntary group who have HSF funding to help you.

This may include you being added to one of the proactive schemes for a discretionary award. For example, as a tenant of any of the Housing Associations that has received HSF6 funding towards their tenant hardship funds, if you are an unpaid carer who has not registered with Carer Support Wiltshire yet, or a household eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in term time, you may receive FSM in holidays. You should be prepared to provide evidence. 

Contact the Wellbeing Hub via email (opens new window) or call 0300 003 4576 Monday to Thursday between 9am and 5pm, Friday between 9am and 4pm. There is a voicemail option outside office hours.

Community food banks and providers

Some of the local food banks and Community Food Providers aided by the fund can be approached directly by residents for support. To find community food providers visit our Interactive Community Directory (opens new window).

If the foodbank requires a referral, please contact the Wellbeing Hub using the details above.

Warm and Safe Wiltshire

The Centre for Sustainable Energy, run Warm and Safe Wiltshire, who administer support for people who need a replacement heating system, whose income is too low to fund a replacement and who are likely to be in a 'no heat' situation without support. 

They will benefit from a grant to help replace their heating system and from reduced energy bills over several years, through more energy efficient heating, combined with warm and safe energy advice to maximise the energy savings for the household.

Support is also available for credit meter customers with evouchers. This will be for those who are struggling to pay for their fuel bills, at risk of being in fuel debt and are rationing their energy use.

Evouchers will also be provided for low-income and disadvantaged households with a standard meter. Evouchers can be distributed to people who are struggling with the increased costs of paying for their energy and living costs generally. The vouchers can be used in supermarkets- specifically for grocery shopping to offset funds that can be used to help pay for energy.

People can apply directly to Warm and Safe or be referred by other professionals, from health or social care.

Applications can be made by:

Wiltshire Council Local Welfare Provision Scheme (LWP)

The Wiltshire Council Local Welfare Provision Scheme helps people in immediate need. To find out if you are eligible visit our Help in a crisis page.

Applications can be made by:

Citizens Advice Wiltshire

Wiltshire Citizens Advice will provide dedicated specialist advice to those across Wiltshire in the private rented sector and those who are insecurely housed, including hostels, and those lodging with friends and family. 

They will offer advice on housing rights, debt and income maximisation as well as grants to help with rent arrears and ongoing rent shortfalls.

Applications can be made by:

  • self-referral
  • complete the online Contact Us form on Citizens Advice Wiltshire: Homepage (opens new window)
  • calling 0808 278 7995 lines are open 9am - 4pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
  • referrals from other organisations, such as:
    • Trussell Trust Foodbanks - Cricklade, Malmesbury, Devizes, Salisbury, Amesbury and Calne
    • Doorway and Open Doors Homeless support charities
    • local charities and community groups through Wiltshire Money 
    • The Integrated Care Board via the VCS Alliance and Living Well Strategy Group
    • Wiltshire Cares partnership

Free school meals (in holidays - including SEND pupils)

To receive vouchers from your child's educational setting to cover FSM during the holidays - funded by the HSF6, you must first be receiving FSM during term time.

To apply for free school meals, please check eligibility and follow the steps on the FSM pages Free school meals.

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