Household Support Fund 6 (HSF6)
Other schemes offering proactive support
Proactive schemes mean that you do not need to apply, recipients are pre-identified and will be contacted directly.
Third party organisations (TPOs)
Age UK Wiltshire
Three areas of support to include:
To provide information and awareness to individuals, communities and agencies who are supporting older people. This will include information about entitlement, available support and myth busting, as well as providing self-help resources of how to make claims for benefits, how to stay warm in winter, for individuals and partners to share.
Provide help with making claims for Pension Credit for those people who are not able to make the claim themselves, due to limited access to the internet or the cost of phoning for support, literacy, dexterity or other support need. Through home visits where necessary.
Provide income maximisation advice on eligibility to other benefits and income.
Age UK Wiltshire: Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Community First
Providing support to those already engaged with the following Community First programmes, being supported by key workers. No need to apply.
SPLASH - for victims of crime and young people with challenges.
Young carers - for young people taking on a caring role for their parents.
Building Bridges - supporting 'hidden' individuals and households not on lists for other types of support, this may include disadvantaged people with additional requirements due to mental health, social care, learning disabilities or other health issues.
Carers Together Wiltshire Partnership - supporting unpaid carers.
Voice It, Hear it - for people accessing social care and health services.
Community First: Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
New home starter packs and support packages for local families impacted by domestic abuse. Offering essential household resources to support them in rebuilding their lives in safe accommodation.
FearFree: Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Crisis Provision. The supply of white goods, floor tiles and furniture to households experiencing hardship. Referrals can be made by 40 Wiltshire based organisations, including Wiltshire Council. Qualifying criteria apply. No public application - referrals from partners only.
KFR (Kennet Furniture Refurbiz): Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024.
Selwood Housing
To support customers referred to their Tenancy Sustainment Team. This could include energy debt, food vouchers or white goods.
Selwood Housing: Tenants services (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Sovereign Network Group (SNG)
Offering flexible support to households in financial hardship across Wiltshire. They will proactively contact customers known to be experiencing financial hardship. They will also take referrals via customer facing teams, external partners and customer self-referral.
Sovereign Housing Association: Cost of living support (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Turning Point (Connect)
Turning Point will be focusing on the most vulnerable individuals and families, with a primary focus on making sure people are warm and have adequate food for them and their families over the winter months. Working with existing clients, Turning Point will support clients with bus passes to access treatment and employment opportunities, low cost-means of transport to improve mental health and decrease social isolation, debt and financial advice, phones to connect for treatment and other services and energy efficient appliances to reduce bills - amongst other support.
Turning Point: Connect Wiltshire (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
White Horse Housing
Support for tenants, and their household, suffering hardship. Any tenant that needs help to cover groceries, utility payments, clothing, school uniform, school stationery, toiletries, transport and other essential household items amongst other support. Discretionary awards will be made via Housing Officers.
White Horse Housing tenants should contact them by phone 01380 850916 or email (opens new window) to be put in touch with a Housing Officer.
White Horse Housing Association: Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Wiltshire Community Foundation
Wiltshire Community Foundation will distribute the funding through three programmes - one supporting individuals with fuel grants and advice and another providing grants to voluntary groups supporting those most impacted by the increased cost of living and a third for young students from low-income households.
Fuel Grants (Surviving Winter) - grants targeted to support those in low-income households who are pensioners, working age and vulnerable due to a disability or underlying health condition or families who have children with a disability or underlying health condition. People who are in receipt of means-tested benefit and are aged over sixty-five or suffer from a long-term health condition, may be eligible for assistance including fuel vouchers and a range of advice.
For more information about eligibility and help available contact:
- Warm and Safe Wiltshire on 0800 038 5722 - Centre for Sustainable Energy: Warm and Safe Wiltshire (opens new window)
- Wiltshire Citizens Advice on 0808 278 7995 - Wiltshire Citizens Advice: Contact us (opens new window)
- Age UK Wiltshire on 0808 196 2424 - Age UK Wiltshire: Benefits and money advice (opens new window)
Energy, Food and Community Support Fund - grants to voluntary groups to provide direct support to households most impacted by the increased cost of living. The programme has been designed to meet immediate needs and help those struggling to pay household bills, afford food and other related essentials.
For more information and details Wiltshire Community Foundation: Energy food and community support fund (opens new window).
Young Students - this initiative targets young people from low-income households, including young carers and those with disabilities or additional needs. This programme aims to support young people with grants to help cover travel, fuel, food, and general living expenses.
Start date: November 2024
Wiltshire Money
To minimise the negative impact the cost-of-living crisis is having on Wiltshire residents by training, developing, and increasing the capacity of front-line staff in local organisations that provide support.
They will develop and host practitioner-focused information sharing events, as well as commission training for staff and volunteers in their member organisations, particularly smaller local charities and non-profit organisations that do not have sufficient resources or capacity to do this themselves.
For more information and details Wiltshire Money: Homepage (opens new window)
Start date: November 2024
Wiltshire Council
Adult Social Care
Emergency Fund
Emergency fund to support those already engaged with Adult Social Care services who are facing increased household expense.
Start date: November 2024
Unpaid Carers
Winter support payments for pre-identified unpaid carers. No need to apply.
Start date: January 2025
Children in Care and Young People
Care Leavers
Food and/or wider essentials vouchers towards the purchase of goods for the household, will be provided to care experienced young people (turning 18 between October 2024 - March 2025), children returning home to the care of their parents, and those with a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) where there is identified need. No need to apply.
Start date: November 2024
Families and Children's Community
Family Hubs (for families with children under 2 years old)
Support from food vouchers or parcels, baby milk, clothing or necessary furniture for families our Family Hubs are working with. No need to apply.
Start date: November 2024
Early Years Settings (for families with children under 5 years old)
Support via vouchers for the equivalent of Free School Meals in the holidays, from Early Years Educational Settings. No need to apply.
Start date: November 2024
Financial Inclusion (Housing)
Tenancy Sustainment Support Fund
Support with vouchers to assist Wiltshire Council Tenants in financial crisis. Contact the Housing Income Team and ask for Tenancy Sustainment or call the WellbeingHub to check eligibility.
Start date: November 2024
Homeless Households Fund
Support for any household who approach Housing People Services as homeless and is accepted as having a statutory relief or full homeless duty or is a verified rough sleeper. Vouchers for utilities and food vouchers due to the increased costs for families residing in temporary accommodation and often the emergency nature of having to move quickly with limited supplies, as well as assisting with the purchase of low energy cooking appliances and white goods.
Start date: November 2024
Leisure, Culture and Communities
Food Insecurity
Food banks and Community Food Providers across the county can apply for funding via their Strategic Engagement and Partnership Manager or Local Area Board Officer.
Start date: November 2024
FUEL Breakfasts
Breakfasts for children eligible for FSM in term time, attending the Christmas FUEL activities.
Start date: December 2024
Library Development and Communities
Warm Spaces
Hot drinks will form part of Warm and Welcome Libraries offer as free and neutral spaces to sit and stay, keep warm and engage in activities and connect with others. Available in libraries with appropriate facilities.
Start date: November 2024
Public Health
GRTB Home Maintenance
Working together with commissioned partner, Julian House, to identify those boaters and roadside travellers who are in acute financial need and who need support to sustain their home and prevent homelessness.
Start date: November 2024
GRTB Winter Hardship
To provide immediate assistance to boaters and travellers facing financial difficulties during winter by distributing fuel/food or Post Office cash out vouchers. The support helps individuals cope with rising living costs in the cost-of-living crisis, maintain habitable conditions, and address urgent needs, particularly for those with mental health issues, financial struggles, and families with dependents.
Start date: November 2024
Revenue and Benefits
Local Welfare Provision (LWP)
Emergency fund for people in crisis. Applications can be made by completing the form, found here Help in a crisis under 'How to apply', or by calling 0300 456 0110 between 9am and 12 noon, Monday to Friday only.
Start date: ongoing
Targeted Older Person Energy Support
Support for low-income pensioner households, not eligible for Pension Credit and in poor health across Wiltshire. No need to apply.
Start date: January 2025
Support and Safeguarding Service and Specialist Assessment, Intervention and Family Time
Support Fund
Food vouchers, Fuel vouchers, Food, White goods and clothing for existing families open to the Support and Safeguarding Service (SASS) for children and young people with disabilities or for people already working with the Specialist Assessment, Intervention and Family Time (SAIFT) team. No Need to Apply.
Start date: November 2024
Targeted Education
SEND Free School Meals in Holidays
Free School Meals for eligible FSM in term time SEND pupils, during the holidays:
Vouchers for free school meals for those eligible throughout the school holidays. No need to Apply.
Start date: October 2024
Traded Services
Free School Meals in Holidays
Free School Meals for eligible FSM in term time pupils, including those permanently excluded, during the holidays:
Vouchers for free school meals for those eligible throughout the school holidays. No need to Apply.
Start date: October 2024