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Complaints about the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner

If you want to complain about the conduct of the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and/or the Wiltshire Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (DPCC), please complete the PCC complaints form (Word doc, 98 KB)(opens new window) and either:

The Monitoring Officer
Wiltshire Council
BA14 8JN

Or you can send a letter to the Monitoring Officer using the above addresses.

When we receive your complaint, we will decide whether we can deal with it. If your complaint is about the conduct of the PCC and/or DPCC we will follow the PCC and DPCC complaints process (PDF, 23 KB)(opens new window).

To find out how your complaint is dealt with from the beginning to the end of the process please read about Arrangements for dealing with complaints about the PCC and DPCC (PDF, 96 KB)(opens new window).

If you cannot access the PDF or Word documents, email (opens new window), write to us or call us on 01225 718400, to discuss provision of accessible documents.

What is not covered by the complaints process

  • Operational policing matters or the conduct of individual police personnel. These complaints should be directed to the Chief Constable of Wiltshire Police (opens new window).
  • Policing policy matters or complaints relating to the conduct of the Chief Constable. These complaints should be directed to the Police and Crime Commissioner.
  • Potential criminal conduct of the Police and Crime Commissioner, both where a formal complaint has been made or where the circumstances point to potential criminal behaviour. Such complaints will be referred by the Monitoring Officer to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) for determination.

If you would like any further information about the complaints process please contact the Complaints team via the details above.

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