TRO Consultation for Various Roads, Amesbury, Durrington, Figheldean and Woodford - Parking and Waiting Restrictions
Comments are invited from interested parties on the proposed Order for Various Roads, Amesbury, Durrington, Figheldean and Woodford - Parking and Waiting Restrictions,details of which are set out in the documents attached to this page.
This Order was advertised in the Salisbury Journal on 23 January 2025.
Are there any paper copies I can see?
Deposit copies of the Order, plan and Statement of the Council's Reasons for proposing to make the Order may be inspected at the offices of Wiltshire Council, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge during normal office hours. Details of the proposed scheme may be seen at Amesbury Library, Smithfield Street SP4 7AL during the hours of 2pm to 7pm Monday, 9.30am to 5pm Tuesday and Friday, 9.30am to 7pm Thursday and 9.30am to 1pm Saturday, Durrington Library, Robinson Room, Village Hall, High Street SP4 8AD during the hours of 10am to 5pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 10am to 1pm Saturday, Netheravon Library, High Street SP4 9PJ during the hours of 1pm to 5pm Monday and Thursday and Wilton Library, 9 South Street SP2 0JS during the hours of 10am to 7pm Monday, 10am to 5pm Thursday and Friday and 10am to 1pm Saturday.
Closing date for comments
This consultation will close on 17 February 2025. Please send your comments to arrive with us before that date to ensure they are considered.
How can I comment?
Anyone commenting must include their name and address - without this we cannot accept any comments.
Comments on the proposal together with the reasons for which they are made should be sent by post to reach the Traffic Order Team, Highways Assets and Commissioning, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge, BA14 8JN allowing 7 days, by email to (opens new window), or using the TRO consultations form below, to reach the Sustainable Transport Group quoting reference LJB/TRO/WFOR.
There are three ways to comment on this proposal:
- Traffic Order Team
Sustainable Transport Group
Highways & Transport
County Hall
Bythesea Road
BA14 8JN - or by e-mail to (opens new window)
- or by completing our TRO consultations form online