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Costs of highway works

Below is a guide to the cost of the more common requests that the council receives for the provision of highway works (as of April 2024). It is intended to help Parish and Town Councils when considering such issues in their area.

Costs quoted are approximate and most do not include fees involved with the design and implementation of the scheme or the cost of any legal procedures involved unless stated.

Pedestrian facilities

Zebra crossing (including high friction surfacing on approaches) typically costs between £28,000-£43,000.

Divided zebra crossing (including high friction surfacing on approaches) typically costs between £37,000-£52,000.

Standard single Puffin crossing (including high friction surfacing on approaches) typically costs between £100,000-£120,000 including design fees. 

Standard single Toucan crossing (including high friction surfacing on approaches) typically costs between £120,000-£140,000 including design fees. 

Highlighted crossing point including bollards and associated works typically costs approximately £6,000.

A typical pedestrian refuge including electrical works and all other associated works costs between £12,000-£16,000.


To construct a new footway using standard bituminous materials typically costs approximately £250 per metre with kerbing/edgings costing approximately £110 per metre.

To construct a new footway using Yorkstone paving slabs costs approximately £500 per metre, if Heritage Stone kerbing is required this would cost in addition of approximately £300 per metre.

A shared use cycleway/footway will be similar to a standard footway. However it will be of greater width and will require additional signing and street lighting.

Parking controls

Parking restrictions, the cost of formulating the proposals, the consultation and the progression of the associated legal traffic orders is the larger proportion of the total cost of introducing parking controls. Typically this can cost £6,700 per site. The cost of the yellow lines and associated road signs account for a much smaller proportion of the total scheme.

White lining

White lining costs up to £8.50 per metre. Hatching costs approximately £15 per metre squared. Removal of white lines costs £35 per metre. Road studs cost an average £25 each. + (£1,000 establishment cost)

Traffic management is additional to these costs.


To erect a warning or regulatory sign on a new sign post costs between £300 and £800 dependant on size.

To erect a directional sign on new posts typically cost between £600 and £1,100 dependant on size.

If any sign requires external illumination then an approximate further £1,500 can be added to the cost for ducting, connection to the electricity supply and lighting unit.

A village nameplate on 2 new posts costs up to £375. If a road safety message is required this costs an additional £130. The Town or Parish Council may be asked to pay the additional cost.

An ornamental finger post costs up to £3,000 The requester is normally required to fund, in full enhancement work of this type.

Street Lighting

Provision of a standard street lighting column including service connection costs up to £3,700

Provision of an ornamental lighting column, including service connection costs up to £5,000

Cost can vary depending on the length of ducting needed and closest electricity source. This can cost up to £150 per metre.

Traffic Calming

The details below indicate methods typically used in traffic calming schemes. It should be noted that all sites require individual consideration and assessment before a particular scheme can be agreed.

Full gateway, including signs, lines and coloured high friction surfacing costs depending on size and location from £6,000. These costs will rise if any electrical work to the signs are required. 

The physical narrowing of the carriageway to introduce one-way priority traffic operation, including signing, lining and street lighting costs up to £50,000 but is dependent on length.

Traffic calming features

Double speed cushion layout and associated works such as street lighting, signing and lining typically cost between £18,000-£23,000

Speed control table with crossing point and associated works such as coloured surfacing, street lighting, signing and lighting costs from £20,000. Dependant on length and carriageway width.

Raised junction with crossing point and associated works such as coloured surfacing, street lighting, signing and lining costs from £55,000 Dependant on length and carriageway width.

Others highway works

Pedestrian guard rail typically costs £280 - £350 per metre.

Standard dropped kerbs (1 side only) typically costs £1,250-£1,500

Bollards cost between £400 - £800 each

Carriageway roundel costs up to £200 dependant on size and speed limit (Plus Establish Costs).

Village entry picket fence costs depending on size and location between £1,500-£2,500 per gate.

Bus shelters costs can vary considerably depending on size, location, electrical capability, prices range from £8,000 to £15,000

Assessments, Surveys and Data collection

  • A street lighting assessment typically costs between £1,500 and £3,000
  • A vehicle/speed survey typically costs between £450 and £5,000
  • A topographical survey typically costs between £1,800 and £6,000
  • Minimum cost for a traffic regulation order is £3,000
  • A pedestrian crossing assessment costs £3,000
  • A speed limit assessment costs £3,100

Other Information

As Highway Authority for Wiltshire, we do not install highway mirrors.

We do not install vehicle activated signs (VAS) unless identified through the authorities collision reduction programme.

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