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Early Years funding for 2 year olds

In Wiltshire, we have branded the funding as 'Better 2gether Funding'

Applying for funding

There are two routes parents can apply for this funding:

  1. Via the Wiltshire Council Parent Portal (opens new window) -for parents of  two year olds in receipt of qualifying benefits and/or DLA, child looked after, adopted or in foster care. Please see below information Parents of two year olds in receipt of qualifying benefits
  2. Via Government Gateway ( GOV.UK: Apply for free childcare if you're working (opens new window) - for working parents of two years olds that meet qualifying criteria. Please see below information Working parents of two year olds.

It is important that you apply for this funding via the correct route to ensure your application is dealt with as quickly as possible. By doing so this will mean that you meet the date parameters to start accessing the funding.

Following the Spring 2023 Budget announcement, the government are planning to expand the childcare offer for working parents who fulfil the 30 hours criteria Working parent entitlement - Parents as follows: 

  • April 2024: Eligible two-year-olds will get 15 hours of free childcare per week (term following second birthday)
  • September 2024: Eligible children between nine months and two years will get 15 hours (term following nine month birthday)
  • September 2025: Eligible children between nine months and three years will get 30 hours (term following nine month birthday)

Parents of two year olds in receipt of qualifying benefits

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