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Youth Justice Service

Wiltshire Youth Justice Service (YJS) works with children who are involved in, or at risk of offending behaviour. We do this by working with children, their parents or carers, the victims of crime, volunteers and the local community. The YJS is made up of staff from a range of organisations including the Police, Probation Service, education and Children's Social Care, all working together to support children. We also have specialist workers within the YJS who can support with health, restorative processes and education.

The main areas of YJS work is:

  • Prevention: Some children may be at risk of getting into trouble but have not yet committed an offence. The team works alongside children to prevent them entering the Criminal Justice System.
  • Offending: We work with children who have committed offences, to change their behaviour and stop re-offending.
  • Work with those affected by crime and other ASB: Through restorative processes and impact work, we enable everyone to have a voice within the Criminal Justice System.

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