Voice and Participation Service
Wiltshire Youth Council (WYC)
Wiltshire Youth Council gives young people the chance to have their say on decisions that are made by the local authority. They have the chance to inspect council services, ensuring that these represent young people's best interests.
Do you want to make a difference for children and young people through volunteering? We are looking for people like you.
If you're 18 or older, you can help children/young people feel supported by a trusted adult. You might mentor, befriend or advocate, provide support in police custody, or sit on a Referral Order Panel.
Don't worry if you're new to this, training and support will be provided to help you feel ready.
This is a great way to give back to your community and make a real impact on a child or young person's life.
Visit the Volunteer Team page to find out more and see how you can get involved.
Families and Children's Volunteering
Voice Ambassadors Scheme
Mind Of My Own
The Voice and Participation Service are responsible for encouraging children and young people to use the Mind of My Own App.