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School term dates and holidays

The school year consists of 190 'pupil' days. In addition, teaching staff must be available to work five extra days (or a total of 30 hours) during the year, this time is used for staff development.

Who sets term dates

Term dates for community and voluntary controlled schools are set by the local authority in consultation with neighbouring authorities and groups representing school staff.

In foundation, voluntary aided, academies, and residential special schools, it is the governing body that decides the beginning and the end of school terms and holidays.

Schools in the Mere and Tisbury area may choose between Wiltshire and Dorset dates.

Staff development days

In Wiltshire, all five staff development days (or the equivalent of 30 hours) are set at the individual school's discretion.

Your child's school will be able to inform you of their arrangements for taking these training days. All days will be taken within the 195 published term days.

School term dates

School term and holiday dates 2026 to 2027


Term dates for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools are set by the Local Authority in consultation with neighbouring Authorities, schools, groups representing school staff and parents.

Previous consultations have indicated an overwhelming wish for schools to retain a calendar of 195 days, to permit the setting of five staff development days within term time dates. There have been discussions with neighbouring Local Authorities to align, as far as possible, common proposed dates.

It was agreed by Schools Joint Consultative Committee to consult on 2 options. 

Option 1: Shows a proposed calendar with a seven-day October break, with term 6 ending on Friday 23 July 2027. 

Option 2: Shows a proposed calendar with a five-day break in October, with term 6 ending on Wednesday 21 July 2027. This is the option favoured by most our neighbouring authorities. 

Term dates options 2026-2027 (PDF, 75 KB)(opens new window)

We would like to receive your views using the electronic form below on the term dates calendar being proposed for Wiltshire's Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools for 2026 to 2027.

School term and holiday dates consultation 2026 to 2027 (opens new window)

All comments received will be taken into consideration during the final decision-making process. 

The deadline for responses is Friday 07 February 2025.

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