Finding a primary school place 2022-23
Early years
Free, good quality, part-time pre-school education and childcare is available to eligible two-year -olds and all three and four-year olds. Children are funded from the 1 September, 1 January or the 1 April following their second or third birthday.
Free funding for two-year olds
Eligible children are entitled to up to 15 hours free early education per week for 38 weeks per year (or the stretched equivalent). This equates to 570 hours per year.
Universal Entitlement for three and four-year olds
All eligible aged children are entitled to the universal entitlement of up to 15 hours free early education per week for 38 weeks per year (or the stretched equivalent). This equates to 570 hours per year.
Extended Entitlement for three and four-year olds
An additional 15 hours per week (known as Extended Entitlement) of free childcare for working parents of three and four-year-old children is also available, equating to an overall total of 1,140 hours. Parents are required to apply for the additional 15 hours of free childcare through the 'Childcare Choices' website governed by HMRC. HMRC will assess and issue eligible parents with a unique reference code which they can take to their chosen childcare provider to show they hold a current positive determination of eligibility.
There are a range of childcare providers in each community area offering a variety of part-time and longer hours. Providers may make charges for additional services, but these must not be a barrier to a child's attendance.
Hours may be taken with any provider registered on the Directory held within the Early Years and Childcare team, although not all providers offer two-year-old funding or the Extended Entitlement. These providers include a range of nurseries, pre-schools, school nursery classes, independent schools, and childminders.
Eligible two-year olds can access their hours at providers with either a 'good' or 'outstanding' Ofsted judgement, whilst three and four years olds can access their hours at providers with at least a 'requires improvements' Ofsted judgement.
The hours are free to the parent and the provider claims funding from Wiltshire Council.
Eligibility for the different schemes is determined initially by a child's date of birth as set out by the Government. For further details of the schemes and a list of registered providers within Wiltshire please visit the Wiltshire Council website and the online childcare directory at or contact Early Years & Childcare on either 0300 003 4561 or (opens new window).
Attending a particular pre-school or nursery does not entitle a child to any greater priority for admission to any primary school.
Starting school
Legislation states that your child must be in full time education from the start of the term following his or her fifth birthday. In Wiltshire, children can start school from the September following their fourth birthday.
Your child will not be entitled to start school before this time.
In exceptional medical or social circumstances (where supporting evidence can be provided by a specialist) which adversely affect the child and where no suitable pre-school provision is available, early admission may be permitted for a maximum of one traditional term.
Should you wish to apply for an early admission for one term in view of exceptional circumstances and where no suitable pre-school provision is available, please write to the School Admissions Team who will refer this application to the relevant professional(s).
All children due to start reception from September 2022 will be eligible to attend full time. If parents wish their child to attend part time from September 2022 or to defer entry until later in the academic year, they must arrange this with the school.
Choosing a school
It is a good idea to visit the schools you are considering as one of your three preferences to gain knowledge of how they run and to meet the staff and pupils. We also recommend that you look at the school website, which will provide you with the school's prospectus, to help you decide which schools would be most likely to meet your child's needs.
Schools are regularly inspected by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). Report summaries can be obtained from the individual school, local libraries or the Ofsted website: (opens new window).
Wiltshire residents can apply using the online application system at or alternatively they can apply using the common application form, which can also be downloaded using the same web address. Parents can express preferences for up to three schools.
Although more than 99 per cent of parents secured places for their children at a preferred primary school in Wiltshire for September 2021, some schools are unable to offer places to everyone who applies to them. If you are interested in one of these popular schools, it is a good idea to carefully consider schools where your child has a realistic chance of being offered a place.
If you do not name a second or third school when applying and we cannot offer your first preference, your child will be allocated a place at the next nearest school with available places. If you live within the county, Wiltshire Council will allocate a place. If you live outside Wiltshire, your home local authority will allocate a school place. Contact details for neighbouring authorities are given on page 26.
Naming additional preferences will not reduce your chances of securing a place for your child at your first preference school. Repeating your first preference school in the second and third preference boxes on the application does not improve your child's chance of securing a place at your preferred school. This will only result in wasting your preferences as a school can only be considered once on each application.
Many schools are now their own admissions authority and have different policies for admitting pupils. Please visit your preferred schools' website for details of their oversubscription criteria. Details for the oversubscription criteria for voluntary controlled and community schools can be found on page 28 of this booklet.
Before applying you need to carefully consider how closely you meet the school's criteria. For example:
- Some schools will give priority to those with a sister or brother already attending the school, however, some do not.
- Other schools may give priority to those living in a certain geographical area, or who live nearest to the school.
- If the school is a faith school, then they may give priority to those who regularly attend an affiliated church. You should contact the school to confirm if you need to submit a supplementary form as part of your application.
If a school is oversubscribed and you don't have a high enough priority for admission you may wish to consider applying to an alternative school. You should also consider how your child will get to your preferred school. If this is not your designated school, you will be expected to pay for any required transport.
Types of school
Children living within Wiltshire who are aged four to eleven will attend either a primary school or an infant school followed by a junior school. You will find a list of all the schools within one of the four area inserts.
Within Wiltshire there are six types of school: voluntary controlled, community, voluntary aided, academy, foundation and independent.
Details of independent schools located in Wiltshire can be obtained through The Independent Schools Council (ISC) on 020 7766 7070, by email: (opens new window) or the website: (opens new window), Independent schools should be contacted directly regarding the admission process to their schools; you should not name an independent school as one of your preferences.
Wiltshire Council is responsible for co-ordinating admissions to all schools in Wiltshire except independent schools. This means that applications for the year of entry at any non-independent schools should be made through Wiltshire Council.
Some primary schools in Wiltshire operate as a single school but serve different geographical areas. Where each school educates children from reception to year 6 for admission purposes, the sites are treated as separate schools. Applications should name the site for which you are applying. You may apply for both sites if you wish: if you choose to do so then you must name them as two of your preferences. Examples of these types of schools:
The Mead, Castle Mead, River Mead and The Mead at Wingfield Churchfields, The Village school (Atworth) or Churchfields, The Village school (Monkton Farleigh)Corsham Primary (Pound Pill) or Corsham Primary (Broadwood) Schools with Special Learning Centres (SLC) - resource centres.
Please note that if you are applying for a place at a mainstream school that has an SLC on site and you are offered a place at the mainstream school, this does not mean that your child will be able to access the centre.
Places at SLC are offered through Central SEND Services and not by the school admissions team. Children who have access to SLC will have an Education Health and Care Plan.
Admission Authorities
Each school has an admission authority which is the body responsible for deciding whether a place is available for a child to attend a particular school.
Voluntary aided and foundation schools and academies are their own admissions authority.
Wiltshire Council is the admission authority for all the community and voluntary controlled schools situated within the county.
Wiltshire Council is responsible for co-ordinating and administering admissions to all schools in Wiltshire, including schools which are their own admissions authority, except for independent schools.
Admissions Policies
Each admission authority is required to publish details of its admission procedure and how applications will be processed. This policy will also advise how many places are available at the school and how priority will be given to applications when there are more applications than places available.
These policies are reviewed every year, so it is important to check the most recent version to ensure you are correctly informed of your child's priority for a place at your preferred schools.
As the admission authority for all voluntary controlled and community schools Wiltshire Council also publishes an admissions policy which can be found on page 28 of this booklet. This policy has been agreed by the elected members of Wiltshire Council and is determined in line with the regulations laid down by the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 as amended by the subsequent Education Act and is in accordance with the School Admissions Code produced by the Department for Education.
Please note the policy on page 28 does not apply to voluntary aided, foundation schools or academies. Summaries of the policies for voluntary aided, foundation schools and academies can be found within the inserts. The inserts also provide a set of figures which indicate how many children under each criterion were admitted to each school for the last three years. This should give you an idea of the availability of places at the school and help you determine what priority will be given to your application if the school is oversubscribed. To view a copy of the full admission policy for your preferred school please visit the school's website.
Published Admission Number (PAN)
Each school has a PAN. This takes into account the physical size of the teaching areas (capacity) and the number of year groups in the school. The PAN is the number of children which, if admitted to every year group, would bring the school up to the capacity of its buildings. In normal circumstances schools will not admit children, especially those from out of their designated area if they have already reached their PAN. Schools cannot refuse any intake year application if they are not up to their PAN. The PAN is therefore a very important number and you will find each school's PAN in the insert. Schools may admit over PAN if there is no reasonable alternative school that the child can attend (see Reasonable Alternative and Infant Class Size Prejudice section).
Designated and shared areas
Many admission policies will refer to the designated area, more commonly known as a catchment area of the school. This area is the geographical zone which is served by a school. To be within the designated area of a school you will have to live at an address within this geographical zone. A school is not always at the centre of its designated area and living in a designated area does notguarantee a place at any school.
In some parts of Wiltshire designated areas overlap, and an address might be within the designated area of two or more schools. Children living within such areas will be given the same priority as children living in areas where their address is served by just one school. At community and voluntary controlled schools all in-area children have a higher priority for a place than any out-of-area children.
To find out the designated area school for your address, please contact customer services on 01225 713 010 who will be able to advise you, alternatively please visit the Wiltshire Council website at
Think about how your child will travel to school
Unless the primary school you choose is less than 1 km (a 15 to 20-minute walk) from your home, you will probably drive your child to school. Driving to school is not necessarily quicker, as many schools have limited parking in the vicinity of the school.
Walking, scooting, and cycling to school provide an opportunity for children and young people to improve their physical and mental health by incorporating physical activity into everyday life and can offer significant environmental benefits by reducing traffic congestion and are often less stressful ways to take your child to school.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that children who have travelled actively (walking, cycling, scooting, park-and-stride) arrive at school readier to learn.
If you are considering car sharing, you can register your journey on (opens new window) (a free service).
Please remember that if you choose a school which you will have to drive to, you might consider whether you will still want or be able to drive your child to school in seven years' time - driving to school is a long-term commitment.
Further information regarding public transport can be found at (opens new window).
If parents or carers choose to send their child to a school other than the nearest designated school, they must take full responsibility for the cost and arrangements of their child's travel to and from school.
If you are interested in encouraging walking, cycling or bus use, then please speak to the headteacher who will be able to explain the School Travel Plan to you.
Reasonable alternative
If we are unable to offer a place for your child at one of your preferred schools and you live within Wiltshire, the School Admissions Team will seek a place for your child at a reasonable alternative school. A reasonable alternative is usually a school within a statutory safe walking distance to your home address. If your child is under eight, this is two miles; for children eight or over this distance increases to three miles. The School Transport Team at Wiltshire Council is responsible for determining the safe walking distance. Further details regarding school transport can be found on pages 22 to 24.
In some areas it may not be possible to find a reasonable alternative school within walking distance. In these circumstances your child would be entitled to transport to the closest alternative school.
Infant class size
Legislation currently states that infant classes must not contain more than 30 pupils with a single teacher. Additional children may be admitted under limited exceptional circumstances. These children will remain an 'excepted pupil' for the time they are in an infant class or until the class numbers fall back to current infant class size limit. The excepted children are:
- Children admitted outside the normal admissions round with an Education Health Care Plan specifying the school.
- Looked after children and previously looked-after children admitted outside the normal admissions round.
- Where a mistake has been made by the local authority which denied a place to a child who should have been offered one.
- Children admitted after an independent appeals panel upholds an appeal.
- Where there is no alternative school that the child could reasonably attend.
- Children of UK service personnel admitted outside the normal admissions round.
- Children whose twin or sibling from a multiple birth is admitted otherwise than as an excepted pupil.
- Children with special needs who are normally taught in a special educational need's unit attached to the school, or registered at a special school, who attend some infant classes within the mainstream school.
Co-ordinated admissions
All admissions to the intake year of primary schools are co-ordinated by the admissions team at County Hall. This means that everyone who lives in Wiltshire must submit an application even if the school you want your child to attend is outside Wiltshire. There is a national deadline date for all applications and a national offer date. The deadline for September 2022 entry is 15 January 2022. National offer date is 19 April 2022.
Applying for a school place
You must apply for a school place; one will not be automatically allocated to you. A child will be due to start primary school in September 2022 if they were born between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2018.
You can apply online at If you apply online, you do not need to complete a paper application. We recommend that you apply online. If you apply online, you will be able to log back into the online system on national offer date to view the outcome of your application.
If you do not apply online, you will need to complete a common application form (paper application form) which is available from customer services on 01225 713 010; alternatively you can download a copy of the form from The outcome of your application will be posted out to you second class on the 19 April 2022.
If you do not live within Wiltshire, you must apply online through your local authority or complete the common application form which is produced by them, even if you wish to apply for a place at a Wiltshire school.
Some schools collect names of parents interested in their school, sometimes many years before the child is due to start school. It is important to note that any waiting or registration lists kept by a school, to which you may have added your child's name, prior to the normal application process do not constitute a formal application. Applications must be submitted as outlined within this guide.
If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan, you should contact your SEND case worker, as your child's admission will be handled by the central SEND team and not by the school admissions team. You cannot apply online or use the common application form.
Completing the application form
It is important that the application form is completed correctly. If you have any questions about completing the form, please contact customer services on 01225 713 010 or visit
On the form you are asked to give the name of 'the applicant'. The person applying on behalf of the child musthave parental responsibility. It is important to name just one person in this section and ensure your relationship to the child is given in the appropriate space. The admissions team will only be able to discuss the application with the named applicant.
The home address given for the child should be the address where the child will be living at the time of the deadline, which is 15 January 2022. This address is very important in helping to determine your child's priority for a school place. If the address given is not the same as that of the applicant, please attach details of the child's residential arrangements to the application form. If you have shared custody of your child such that he or she has two addresses, the address given on the child benefit notification letter will be taken as the child's home address. Where schools are oversubscribed, you may be asked to provide proof that your family were living at the address given on the application form at the time of the deadline. The local authority reserves the right to check details held on the council tax database to confirm residency at an address.
Multiple applications for the same child cannot be processed therefore, it is important that both parties in shared custody arrangements are in agreement over the preferred school(s) named. Failure to provide a definitive application could jeopardise your child's priority for a school place.
If you wish to make changes to your preferences before the deadline date you need to submit another form or amend your online application. You will not be able to make changes to your application any other way.
Some school's give priority to children or families with special medical needs. If you are applying for a community or voluntary controlled school, please refer to pages 13 and 28 of this guide for more information. If you are applying for a voluntary aided or foundation school or an academy, please contact the school directly for further guidance or view their admissions policy on their website.
On the form you are asked to provide information regarding your child's religious status. This section is relevant if you are applying for your child to attend a faith school. You must also contact the school directly to ascertain if a supplementary form needs to be completed.
If you are applying on faith grounds, any supporting evidence the school may ask you to provide could affect your child's priority for a place at the school.
If you have other children of primary school age who attend one of your preferred schools, this information should be included on the application form in the appropriate box. Many schools will award higher priority for school places to children who have siblings already at the school.
If it is found that an application has been made fraudulently, a school place which has been offered as a result of this application will be withdrawn.
Completed forms
Once you have completed your child's application form it should be returned to:
School Admissions Team
Wiltshire Council
County Hall
BA14 8JN
Application deadlines
Application deadline: 15 January 2022
Exceptional circumstances deadline: 8 February 2022
Only in exceptional circumstances, such as those listed below, will a late application be considered at the same time as applications received by the deadline of 15 January 2022:
- where there has been change of the family circumstances after the deadline date which has a significant effect on the preferences given on the original application (if this is a house move, this must have been completed with an exchange of contracts before 8 February 2022).
- a move into Wiltshire from outside the county after the deadline date, but before 31 January 2022. Confirmation of the new address (in the form of an exchange of contracts or a tenancy agreement of a minimum of six months) must be provided before 8 February 2022.
- service personnel moving to a Wiltshire address after the deadline date. A posting notice must be provided before 8 February 2022.
Documentary evidence should be provided with the application (or at the latest by 8 February 2022) to verify circumstances which caused the late application to be made. If evidence cannot be provided the application will not be treated as an exception.
Applications on faith grounds
Some foundation and aided schools require additional information to that which is collected on the application form. This will help them decide the children who can be offered a place at their school. If you are applying on faith grounds, you must contact your preferred school(s) as you are likely to be required to provide evidence of faith, for example a baptismal certificate or a reference from your minister.
You may also be required to provide additional information by your preferred school(s) on a supplementary form. Failure to provide the additional information may result in your child not securing a place at your preferred school.
Do not send supplementary information back to the local authority; it must be returned to the school by the deadline date.
It is very important to remember that completing a supplementary form does not mean that you have made an application. You must apply online or on a common application form and submit it to Wiltshire Council.
Children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Statement
A child with a statement or EHCP naming a particular school must be admitted by that school and is not subject to the standard admission process described in this booklet. Your case worker will assist you in finding an appropriate placement for your child.
Looked-After-Children (LAC) and Previously-Looked-After Children (PLAC)
Under the Children Act 1989, a child is looked after by a local authority if he or she is in their care or is provided with accommodation by a local authority, including those who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
It is a statutory requirement for looked-after children and previously-looked-after children to be given the top priority in any oversubscription criteria.
When making an application you must make it clear if you are applying for a place for a looked after child or a previously looked after child.
You will need to provide a copy of an adoption order if you are applying for a previously looked after child. Please ensure this is provided by the deadline date to the local authority.
The definitions of a looked-after-child and previously-looked-after child can be found on page 28 of this guide.
Applications on medical grounds
Some schools give priority to applications on medical grounds. We recommend that you contact your preferred school or visit their website to determine the evidence that will be required to support your application. All evidence must be received by local authority by the deadline date. Evidence received after this date will not be considered.
The oversubscription criteria for voluntary controlled and community schools give a higher priority to applications on medical grounds, providing the relevant information is received by the deadline date. If you are applying for one of these schools on medical grounds, then please read page 28 of this booklet for further information and evidence that is required.
Children of members of staff
Some schools give priority to children of members of staff within their oversubscription criteria. We recommend that you contact your preferred school or visit their website to confirm if applications on this basis have a higher priority. All evidence required in support of this must be received by local authority by the deadline date. Evidence received after this date will not be considered.
The oversubscription criteria for voluntary controlled and community schools give a higher priority to applications from children of members of staff, providing the relevant evidence is received by the deadline date. If you are applying for one of these schools and would like to be considered under this criterion, please read page 28 of this booklet for further information (and evidence that will be required).
Non-Wiltshire residents
If you do not live in Wiltshire you may still express a preference for a school within the county, however, your application should be made on the form produced by your local authority, which can be obtained from the education offices of the county or borough in which you live. See page 26 for contact details.
When you have returned your form to them, details of your preferences will be forwarded to Wiltshire Council. If you are seeking a place at a voluntary aided or foundation school or an academy, we will pass on your application details to that school.
For example, if you live in Frome and want to apply for St John's Catholic School in Trowbridge, you should fill in a Somerset form and return it to Somerset County Council. Somerset will send your application details to Wiltshire Council and these will be considered by the school alongside all other applications.
Applying for an out-of-county school
If you live in Wiltshire and wish to express a preference for a school outside the county, you may do so.
You must submit an application to Wiltshire Council. We will ensure that your preference details are passed on to the appropriate authority.
For example, if you live in Royal Wootton Bassett and want to apply for Wroughton Infants School in Wroughton, Swindon, you must apply to Wiltshire Council. We will pass on your application details to Swindon Borough Council where it will be considered alongside the other applications for the school.
Applications from Forces families
Families of UK service personnel are subject to frequent movement within the UK and from abroad, often at relatively short notice. Some areas in Wiltshire have a high density of service personnel.
Applications for children of UK service personnel with a confirmed posting to the county or crown servants returning from overseas to live in the county will be considered in advance of the family moving into Wiltshire if necessary. Where possible an application must be included in the normal admission round.
An official letter, such as a posting notice or letter of support from the commanding officer should be sent to Wiltshire Council as soon as possible, which should include the relocation date and unit address. This should be sent to the local authority at the time of application or sent separately if you have submitted an online application.
The council will not refuse a child of UK service personnel a place because the family does not currently live in the area. It is also not permitted to reserve a place for any child.
Children will be considered to be siblings at voluntary controlled and community schools if any brother or sister is going to be attending a school, or in the case of a future move to the area, the sibling has been offered and accepted a place. The sibling link will not apply if the child that is going to be attending the school will be in year six.
Places can be allocated in advance of your move; however, we cannot guarantee that your children will be offered a place at a particular Wiltshire school. We would not place a child in an oversubscribed school if places are available at a reasonable alternative school.
Children from overseas
Children of compulsory school age coming from abroad with parents who have a right of residence in or permission to enter the UK have the same rights as UK residents to apply for a place at a state school. Applications on behalf of children currently living outside the UK will be considered but, until the children are resident in the country, their home address will be treated as their place of residence outside the UK.
The only exceptions to this would be applications from children of UK Service personnel and Crown Servants who have been posted abroad on fixed term contracts and are returning to live in the UK.
Applications for the Reception (Year R) September 2021 entry
All application forms for children living in Wiltshire should be sent to the Admissions Team at County Hall, Trowbridge, by 15 January 2022. The receipt of your application will be acknowledged. This applies to all paper and online applications. If you have not received an acknowledgement within fifteen school days of returning your completed application form, please contact customer services at Wiltshire Council on 01225 713010.
If you move to a new house after completing the application form, proof of your new address will be required. It is important to note, however, that your child's application will only be considered from where they were resident as of the deadline date, unless exceptional circumstances apply as outlined on page 12 of this guide.
Please note, if you are returning to live in a house that you are currently renting out, your rental property address will not be considered as a future address. Your child's application will be considered from where you are resident at as of the deadline date. Your future address can only be used once you are resident in the property. The local authority reserves the right to check the council tax database to confirm this information.
After the deadline date, the school admissions team will send details of applications with preferences for schools in other counties and boroughs on to the relevant authority for consideration.
Information about applications made to foundation, voluntary aided schools and academies within the county will be passed on to those schools.
The individual admission authorities will consider all applications made for their schools and rank these in order of priority by using their oversubscription criteria.
This ranked list will be sent back to the school admissions team.
When all the admission authorities have returned this information to Wiltshire Council it will be used to decide which school can offer your child a place. An offer will be made at the highest preference school you have named which can accommodate your child.
We will then inform other local authorities of any offers of places at Wiltshire Schools to be made to applicants who live in their areas. Other local authorities will inform us of any offers of places to Wiltshire residents which they are able to make. Our proposed allocations will be matched with those from other authorities and any multiple offers will be removed. We will ensure that the higher preference is offered if there is an application for an out of county school to consider.
Please note that the order in which you have listed your preferences is only looked at after schools have ranked all applicants. No schools can give higher priority if you have named them as your first preference on the application form.
Your ranked position for each school will be determined by applying the admissions criteria for that school. Preferences are treated equally in the ranking process.
If you live in Wiltshire and we cannot offer a place to your child at any of your preferred schools, a place will be allocated at the next nearest school to the home address with available places.
Applications for the Junior (Year 3) September 2022 entry
Children who are in year 2 at an Infant School from September 2021 will need to transfer to a junior school in September 2022. The deadline date for junior school applications is also 15 January 2022.
Children who are in year two at a voluntary controlled or community infant school have a greater priority for a place at the linked community or voluntary controlled junior school than other children.
The priorities for admissions to voluntary aided or foundation schools or academies may be different. For details, please refer to the inserts of this guide, visit the school's website or contact the schools directly.
All applications for places at junior schools will be processed in the same way as applications for reception entry 2022.
Late applications
If you apply after the deadline of 15 January 2022, your application will not be considered until all those applications received before the deadline have been processed.
Second round applications are applications received between 16 January 2022 and 26 April 2022. Applicants will receive a decision on their application around the end of May 2022.
Third round applications are applications received after 26 April will not be considered until after 30 June 2021. Applications received after 26 April will be considered in date order of receipt. Decisions on third round applications will be made and posted out as soon as possible after 29 June 2022.
In all cases only one offer of a school place for each child can be held at any one time. If the local authority receives a further application for a child who has already secured a place in an earlier round, the new preferences will automatically supersede any earlier preferences stated.
During the second and third round of applications parents should note that the school initially allocated will be retained for their child pending the outcome of that application, and that there is no guarantee of gaining a place at the preferred school named on the new application.
Parents can only hold one offer. Therefore, if an offer is made to a child during the second or third round of allocations, any offer made in an earlier round will automatically be withdrawn.
Applications for infant to primary transfer
Children who are in year two at an infant school and whose parents do not wish to apply to transfer to a junior school can apply to transfer to a primary school. Parents wishing to apply for a place at a primary school should submit an in-year transfer form. Please read the in-year transfer applications section of this guide for further details of how to apply. Application forms can be obtained by calling customer services on 01225 713010. They can also be downloaded from the website at Transfer applications cannot be made using the online system.
Notification of offers
National offer date is 19 April 2022. If you apply online, you will be able to log back into the online system on national offer date to view the outcome of the application.
If you applied by submitting a paper application the outcome of your application will be posted out to you second class on the 19 April 2022. The letter will detail all the preferences you have made as well as indicating which school place your child is being offered. You will not be able to find out the decision of your application until your letter is received. No decisions will be given out over the phone.
It is important that you read and then follow the instructions in the decision letter by either accepting or declining the place offered for your child. Details of where to send this information and the date by which this must be done will be included within the letter.
Failure to respond to this letter may result in the school place being withdrawn and the place offered to another applicant.
If you decline the offer of a school place it will be taken away and the place will be reallocated to another child. An alternative school will not be automatically offered to you; you will need to submit a fresh application.
Deferred admission until later in the academic year
A school place in the reception class is available for children from the September of the academic year in which they turn five. Where an offer of a place is made to a child below compulsory school age, parents have the right to defer their child's entry to school until later in the school year. The place is held for the child and is not available to be offered to another child. Entry may not be deferred beyond the beginning of the point at which the child reaches compulsory school age or the final term of the school year for which it was made.
Where a parent or guardian chooses to defer their child's admission beyond the academic year for which admission is sought, the place originally offered cannot be held over. A fresh application will be required. Children whose entry is deferred are usually expected to join their chronological peer group, i.e., year 1, unless the parents submit an application for admission to an alternative year group.
Waiting list for voluntary controlled or community schools
If your child has been refused admission to any voluntary controlled or community school, his or her name will automatically be placed on a waiting list. This list will close on the last school day of the summer term 2023. To remain on the waiting list for the following academic year you must make a fresh application. Such applications can be submitted from the April prior to the new academic year but will not be considered until after the 31 May. For more information regarding waiting lists please visit or contact customer services on 01225 713010.
It is important to note that any waiting list must be kept in priority order determined by the admission criteria as given on page 28 of this guide. We do not keep waiting lists in date order of receipt of applications. This means that your position on the waiting list can change as new names are added to it.
Waiting list for foundation and voluntary aided schools and academies
Foundation and voluntary aided schools and academies maintain their own waiting list once the application process has been completed and if any places become available at the school applicants will be considered as outlined in the school's published policy. For further information regarding waiting list at any foundation and aided schools and academies please contact the school directly or visit the school's website.
To remain on the waiting list for the new academic year you must make a fresh application. Applications will be considered in the timescales outline in the individual school's policies.
If you have not secured a school place at any of your preferred schools, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel.
If you wish to appeal, please contact customer services on 01225 713010, who will be able to advise you of the action you need to take to appeal.
If you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at a voluntary controlled or community school, please visit the website to confirm the deadline for lodging an appeal.
If you have applied to a foundation, voluntary aided school or an academy, details of the appeal process can be obtained directly from the school or by visiting the school's website. It is important to note that some schools also operate a strict timescale for lodging an appeal.
All appeals must be heard by an independent appeal panel, which will consider:
- whether the relevant admissions authority followed its own admissions policy and if it had good reasons for not offering your child a place (for example, the school was oversubscribed, and other children had a higher priority for securing a school place).
- your reasons for wanting your child to attend the school; any supporting evidence that might be relevant to your case (although this may not apply if this is for an infant class size appeal - you should ask about this before an appeal).
In a case where the admissions authority has refused to give a child a place because it would take an infant school class over 30 pupils, the two-stage process does not apply. This is called an Infant Class Size appeal and the appeal panel can only allow it if:
- the decision was not one which a reasonable admission authority would have made; or
- the child would have been offered a place if the admission arrangements had been properly implemented; or
- the admission of any additional children would not breach the infant class size limit.
The appeal panel's decision is binding on parents and the admissions authority alike. If your appeal is successful, your child will be offered a place at the school.
In-year transfer applications
The normal round of admissions will be for children starting school for the first time or for children joining a junior school in year three in September 2022, however, you may wish to apply for a change of schools, either because you are moving to the area or you wish for your child to transfer schools. You have the right to state a preference for any school.
The table in this section provides details of the timescales for dealing with in-year transfer applications. Please note that if an application is submitted too earlyit may be returned to you. The table below gives the earliest date applications can be sent and when they are considered. Decision letters should be posted within 15 school days of either the date in the last column or, if your application is later than this, within 15 school days of our receipt of your form.
Date admission being sought | Earliest application should be submitted | Applications will be processed from |
January to March | 1 September | 31 October |
April to July | 1 January | 15 February |
September to December | 1 April | 31 May |
Living in Wiltshire and transferring to another Wiltshire school
If you live in Wiltshire and would like to transfer your child to a school in Wiltshire, please visit our website for details of how to apply.
Living in Wiltshire and transferring to an out-of-county school
If you currently live in Wiltshire and wish to apply to transfer your child to a school in another county, then you must contact the local authority in that county in which your preferred school is situated for details on how to apply.
Living outside Wiltshire and would like to apply for a school in Wiltshire
If you live outside Wiltshire and would like to transfer your child to a school in Wiltshire, please visit our website for details of how to apply.
How in-year applications are processed
If you are applying for a community or voluntary controlled school the local authority will make a decision on your application. If you are applying to an academy, or a foundation or aided school, the governing body will make the decision. Once a decision has been made Wiltshire Council will write to you with the decision. The decision letter will provide information, if appropriate, about the statutory right of appeal.
Your child should not be removed from their current school unless an alternative school place or educational provision has been secured elsewhere or you have moved to a new house and it is not practical for your child to continue at their present school.
If you move to a new house and choose to keep your child at his or her present school beyond the current school year, rather than apply for a transfer, this may affect your entitlement to transport to and from school, if applicable. Please contact passenger transport on 0300 456 0100 for information.
In-year transfer application forms can be downloaded from the website at Home or by calling customer services on 01225 713 010. Transfer applications cannot be made using the online system.
Applications for the admissions of children outside their normal age group
Parents may seek a place for their child outside their normal age group, for example, if the child is gifted and talented or has experienced problems such as ill health.
Parents of a summer born child may choose not to send their child to a school until the September following their fifth birthday and they may request that they are admitted outside their normal age group - to reception rather than year one.
Parents who would like to request admission outside their child's normal age group should complete an application form as well as a delayed entry request form. Both forms should be returned to the local authority by the deadline date. You are also asked to include any supporting information in relation to your request. Once a request has been received by the local authority it will be sent to the preferred school(s) for consideration.
The decisions on requests for applications outside the child's normal age group are made by the admission authority for the school. In the case of voluntary controlled and community schools the local authority will make the decision in consultation with the head teacher at the preferred school and the local authority's professional advisers.
Requests for admission outside a child's normal age group at academies or voluntary aided or foundation school will be considered by the governing body or academy trust as they are the admission authority.
All requests should be made in the September prior to when the child would normally be starting school to give sufficient time for the case to be considered by the admissions authority prior to the deadline for applications of 15 January 2022.
All admission authorities are required to make decisions based on the circumstances of each case and in the best interests of the child concerned.
Once a decision has been made Wiltshire Council will write to parent to confirm the outcome of the request.
If the parental request for delayed admission into reception is agreed, a separate application for a place in the next cohort will have to be made in the September following the child's fourth birthday. This application would be considered along with all the other applicants for admission in that year at the preferred school. There would be no guarantee that a place would be able to be offered in the preferred school, even if an application for delayed entry is allowed. If the preferred school is oversubscribed and you are not offered a place, the local authority will make an alternative offer. Please note, however, that delayed admission into reception in the alternative school may not be possible.
If the parental request for delayed admission into reception is refused, the formal application which has already been submitted will be processed, unless the local authority receives a request from the parent to withdraw the application.
Parents have a statutory right to appeal against the refusal of a place at a school for which they have applied. This right does not apply if they are offered a place at the school, but it is not in their preferred age group.
General queries
Calls will be handled by customer services who can be contacted directly on 01225 713010. Your call will be logged, and an immediate response will be given whenever possible.
Should customer services be unable to provide an immediate response, details of your query will be passed to the school admissions team and you will be advised when to expect a response.
We also recommend that you visit our website at for further information.
Home to school transport
Entitlement for home to school transport is dealt with separately from the school admissions process.
Every home in Wiltshire has a designated school for transport purposes. This may differ from the designated schools listed by the admissions team. If you choose for your child to attend a school which is not the one designated for transport entitlement or is not the closest school to your address, it will be your responsibility as a parent to make and pay for any transport arrangements while your child attends that school.
If you are unsure which is your closest or designated school for transport purposes, email (opens new window) or write to the passenger transport unit, Wiltshire Council, Trowbridge BA14 8JN stating your home address and the schools you are thinking of applying for. Please specify if you are or expect to be in receipt of free school meals or are receiving the maximum level of Working Tax Credit (WTC) as additional benefits may be applicable to you.
For any other advice on transport please call 01225 712852.
Free or assisted transport for children living in Wiltshire is arranged at the start of their schooling or when there is a change of school or home address.
It is the parent's responsibility to apply for home to school transport. It should not be assumed that public transport, provided in a previous year, will still be available.
Your child may be entitled to free transport if the child:
- is aged less than eight years and lives two miles or more from their nearest or designated primary school (for transport purposes) measured by the shortest walking distance.
- is aged between eight and eleven inclusive and lives three miles or more from their nearest or designated primary school (for transport purposes) measured by the shortest walking distance.
- is aged between eight and eleven years, lives two miles or more from their nearest or designated primary school (for transport purposes) measured by the shortest walking distance and is entitled to free school meals or is from a household in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit (or any new benefit as advised by HM government under any subsequent benefit review);
- lives within the qualifying distance but the route the child would walk to school is assessed by Wiltshire Council as unsafe to walk even when accompanied by an adult.
Wiltshire Council reserves the right to decide on the type of transport provided. Normally pupils travel on vehicles contracted to the council or by public bus or rail services a season ticket will be provided. Misbehaviour on the transport or misuse of a pass will lead to the child being temporarily or permanently excluded from using that transport.
Spare seats scheme
Where spare seats are available on contract vehicles, they may be allocated to non-entitled pupils at a charge. This offer of a 'spare seat' place is made on the understanding that any seat allocated will have to be relinquished if at a later date:
- the seat is required for an entitled pupil or one with a higher priority, e.g., an older child or siblings of one already travelling.
- on reviewing the transport requirement, the service is withdrawn. (In certain areas it has been possible to convert contract school buses into public services, thereby enabling pupils not entitled to free transport whose parents wish them to do so to continue travelling as fare paying passengers;)
- where pupils are able to travel between home and school on vehicles for which fares may be paid.
Applying for transport
Application forms for transport to school will be available from schools around Easter time. You can also print forms from our website or call our customer services team 0300 456 0100 to request a form. You can also email us direct at (opens new window) and we can send you an electronic version which can be completed and returned by email.
Forms should be completed and returned to the passenger transport unit at County Hall before 1 June for transport requested for the start of the autumn term, or with at least three weeks' notice at any other time of the year. Each application is considered on its own merits. You must apply for school transport if required as it will not be provided automatically. You are also advised to apply as soon as you have been informed of the school place your child has been offered.
Consider a sustainable travel choice
Wiltshire Council has a duty under the Education and Inspections Act to promote sustainable modes of travel to school. Our School Travel Plan adviser is working with Wiltshire schools to develop, update and implement travel plans. The aim of a travel plan is to reduce car-borne journeys to and from the school site, and to promote and encourage sustainable modes of travel. Walking and cycling regularly will help improve people's health, and will reduce congestion, thereby helping the environment. Where walking, cycling or public transport are not feasible, bus travel, car sharing or park-and- ride may be an option.
Find out whether the schools you are considering for your child are promoting sustainable travel by speaking to the headteacher about the school's travel plan. For more information about school travel plans in general, contact the school travel plan team on 01225 713883 or email (opens new window).
Contact details for other teams with the local authority Education welfare service
The education welfare service works with schools and families in supporting all children at statutory school age to maintain excellent attendance at school, in particular focusing on reducing truancy, bullying and illegal child employment.
Telephone: 0300 456 0108
Support for children from ethnic minorities
Your child may have a mother tongue which is not English, or they may have been brought up in a home where English was not spoken, and they have since become an English speaker. For queries about support for children from ethnic minorities and/or with English as a second language please contact the ethnic minority & achievement Service (EMAS) on 0300 456 0108.
The advice of the authority's EMAS team will be sought when a request is received from any pupil who has English as an additional language to delay transfer to a junior or secondary school.
Traveller education service
The Council has a duty to make full-time education available to all children living in Wiltshire including those who are resident for relatively short periods.
Travellers include Gypsy and other travellers, living on official or unofficial sites and circus, fairground, and bargee families. Tel: 0300 456 0108.
Free school meals
For queries on entitlement to free school meals please contact the revenues and benefits team on 01225 713780.
Diocesan Boards and Departments of Education
There are three departments which have oversight of the voluntary aided secondary schools within Wiltshire.
Diocese of Bristol
First Floor Hillside House
1500 Parkway North
Stoke Gifford
BS34 8YU
Telephone: 01179 060 100
Roman Catholic Diocese of Clifton
Alexander House
160 Pennywell Road
Telephone: 01179 025 593
The Diocese of Salisbury
Diocesan Church House
99 Crane Street
Tel: 01722 411 922
Independent Schools Council (ISC)
For information regarding independent schools ISC has a national website (opens new window) or they can be contacted on 020 7766 7070.
Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED)
OFSTED is responsible for regular school inspections. Their national number is 0300 1234234. Past inspection reports can be accessed through (opens new window).
Department for Education
The government department, which is responsible for all aspects of education, including admissions to schools, is in Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT.
The DFE website is available at (opens new window).
Copies of the School Admissions Code and the Code of Practice for Admission Appeals can be downloaded via (opens new window).
Our neighbouring authorities
Bath & North-East Somerset Council
Bath & North East Somerset Council, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath. BA1 1JG
Telephone: 01225 394312
Fax: 01225 394296
Website; (opens new window)
Email: (opens new window)
Dorset Council
County Hall , Colliton Park, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1XJ
Tel: 01305 221000
Fax: 01305 267933
Website (opens new window)
Gloucestershire County Council
Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TP
Tel: 01452 425 000
Email: (opens new window)
Website (opens new window)
Hampshire County Council
Hampshire County Council, Children's Services Department, Elizabeth II Court North, Winchester SO23 8UG.
Tel: 0300 555 1377
Email: (opens new window)
Website: (opens new window)
Oxfordshire County Council
School Admissions Team, County Hall, New Road, Oxford OX1 1ND
Tel: 0345 241 2487
Fax: 01865 783198
Email: (opens new window)
Website: (opens new window)
Somerset County Council
Address: County Hall, Taunton, Somerset TA1 4DY
Tel: 01823 355608
Email: (opens new window)
Website: (opens new window)
South Gloucestershire Council
South Gloucestershire Council, Department for Children, Adults and Health, Admissions and Transport Team, PO Box 1955, Bristol, BS37 0DE
Tel: 01454 868008
Email: (opens new window)
Website: South Gloucestershire Council (opens new window)
Swindon Borough Council
Swindon Borough Council, Wat Tyler House, Beckhampton Street, Swindon SN1 2JH. Tel: 01793 445500 (general enquiries). Email: (opens new window). (opens new window).
West Berkshire Council
Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury RG14 5LD.
Tel: 01635 519771/503425/519780. Email: (opens new window). Website: (opens new window)
Oversubscription criteria for voluntary controlled and community primary schools 2022/23
Where a school is oversubscribed, places are allocated to children in order of the ranked criteria listed below:
a. Looked After Children/Previously Looked After Children
The definition of Looked After Children: a 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements, or special guardianship order including those who appear [to the admission authority] to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
Vulnerable children
Children from families registered with the National Asylum Support Service; Children or families with a serious medical, physical, or psychological condition where written evidence is provided at the time of application from a senior clinical medical officer, general practitioner or specialist showing that it would be detrimental to the child or family not to be admitted to the preferred school.
For the purpose of the above criteria the word 'families' is determined as living at the same address at the time of the application and also living at the same address on a permanent basis. Proof will be required and must be submitted by the deadline date.
b. Linked Infants School (this criterion applies to infant-to-junior transfer applications only)
Children who are pupils attending year 2 at the linked infant school as at the deadline date, irrespective of the status of the school.
c. Designated area siblings and shared area siblings
A child is considered under this criterion if a sibling is attending the school (or the linked junior school in the case of applications to an Infants school) as at the deadline date and will continue to attend the school at the time of entry, and where the child lives within the designated area or shared area at the same address as the sibling.
Step, half and foster siblings are included in this category.
d. Other children from the designated area or shared area
Children resident within the designated area or shared area who do not qualify under one of the criteria above.
e. Other siblings
A child is considered under this criterion if a sibling is attending the school (or the linked junior school in the case of applications to an infant's school) at the deadline date and will continue to attend the school at the time of entry, and where the child lives at the same address as the sibling. Step, half and foster siblings are included in this category.
f. Children of staff at the school
A child is considered to fall under this criterion where:
where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; and/or
the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
If applicants wish to be considered under this criterion then a letter from the headteacher confirming the above applies to the applicant must be provided at the time of application.
g. Other children
Children to whom none of the above criteria apply.
Tie break
If the school is oversubscribed within any category above, the straight-line distance from the child's home address to the school will be used as the determining factor. Distances will be measured according to the Ordnance Survey eastings and northings for the child's home address and the school. Those living closer to the school will be given priority.
If two or more children with the same priority for admission live an indistinguishable distance from the preferred school, but cannot all be admitted, then the available places will be decided by means of casting lots (random application). The random allocation will be conducted independently by Democratic Services, Wiltshire Council.