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Admission criteria

Admission to primary and secondary schools is not automatic. All schools have admission criteria which the school's admission authority uses to allocate places if they receive more applications than they have places available. It is the parent's responsibility to apply for a school place for their child. A place will not automatically be allocated.

The criteria

Every school is legally required to publish an over subscription criteria. This criteria will be used to determine the priority order given to applications when there are more applications than places available.

Each school has an admission authority which is the body responsible for deciding whether a place is available for a child to attend a particular school.

  • Wiltshire Council is the admission authority for community and voluntary controlled schools within Wiltshire.
  • The school's governing body is the admissions authority for foundation, voluntary aided schools and academies.
  • Independent schools decide their own admission criteria.  Applications for independent schools should not be made to the local authority. They should be made directly to the school.

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