Wiltshire Council Business Plan Principles 2022 to 2032
Our guiding themes
Prevention and early intervention
We take a long-term view, focusing on what is right for Wiltshire and invest in prevention and early intervention to tackle problems before they get worse. We have a whole life approach to planning and providing services for our residents. This includes out ambition to reach net zero carbon.
Improving social mobility and tackling inequalities
In everything we do, we consider the impact of the action on social mobility and ask how we can help to tackle the disparities in opportunity that exist within Wiltshire.
Understanding communities
We ensure our dialogue with communities is open, transparent and inclusive, in the right place and at the right time so that our services meet our distinctive local need.
We design and deliver our services in partnership with service users, local communities and other public sector partners where appropriate. We collectively consider how to integrate our work, get maximum value for public sector spend and plan our use of the public sector estate together.