Household Waste Management Strategy 2017-2027
Supporting documents
Wiltshire Council's Household Waste Management Strategy 2017-2027 is made up of three individual documents.
- The overarching strategy which presents the council's aims, goals and priorities for waste management services in Wiltshire for the ten year period 2017-27, updated to reflect the national legislative and policy framework for 2019.
- An annual performance review which evaluates the council's performance against the priorities shown within the overarching strategy and the actions agreed for the previous year.
- An annual action plan which documents the goals and priorities for the service to deliver for the coming year. This action plan will review the national and local context and clearly outline how the service will develop within the next year to meet the strategic aims and priorities documented within the overarching strategy.
The strategy will be updated and a performance review and an action plan will be produced annually and presented to the council's Environment Select Committee for consideration and comment.
For a full copy please email (opens new window) to request this.