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Household Waste Management Strategy 2017-2027

Goals and outcomes

An action plan will be developed each year setting out goals and outcomes for the council to work towards in order to deliver the priorities within the overarching strategy.

The action plan will guide the implementation of the priorities set out in this strategy and will be subject to annual monitoring and review. The action plan will provide the council with an opportunity to review changes in national and local drivers as well as other changes in circumstances that may become apparent throughout the strategy period.

The annual performance report will enable the council to review what has been achieved against the priorities based on completion of the targets set out in the action plan for the previous year.

The action plan for the coming year will be developed based on the financial and staffing resource available to the council within the coming year in order to ensure that the goals and outcomes are achievable given the resources available. This will provide the council with the opportunity to review its priorities, goals and outcomes in line with changing drivers.

This strategy outlines the priorities that the council will work to achieve in order to deliver the vision of working towards zero avoidable household waste in Wiltshire by managing household waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy, reducing litter and taking a zero tolerance approach to the criminal act of fly tipping.

For a full copy please email (opens new window) to request this.

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