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Wiltshire Council's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions report 2022/23

Progress and how we will improve in the future

The council is engaged in a range of work to deliver savings in emissions and financial costs. This work involves energy management and emissions reduction at a strategic level, as well as implementing practical measures at a project level in the management of its assets, management of its contractors and delivery of its services. Specific actions are set out in the Climate strategy and delivery plans - Carbon Neutral Council Plan 2022-24.

Examples of measures include: developing a fleet strategy; rationalisation and improvement of the council's property portfolio; investment in energy efficiency measures within the remaining estate such as lighting and heating equipment upgrades; investment in appropriate renewable energy technologies; introducing a system to allow part-night lighting and dimming of streetlights and conversion of streetlights to LED.

For further information or queries on the report please email (opens new window).

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