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Wiltshire draft climate strategy 2022-2027. August 2021


Wiltshire's emissions from waste are due to our household, commercial and construction waste, but also emissions from landfill and other waste management facilities in the county.

The council's current household waste management strategy follows the waste hierarchy, aiming to reduce and recycle waste as much as possible, while dealing with residual waste in the most sustainable way currently available. This includes using energy from waste which, in future, is likely to be required to lower its emissions through carbon capture and storage. Ideally we would have a lot less waste and this would be managed within a circular economy.


  • Work towards a circular economy
  • Work towards zero avoidable waste in Wiltshire and decarbonising the waste management process
  • Manage waste in accordance with the waste hierarchy, increase the amount of waste recycled and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill

Our areas of focus

Wiltshire Council will:

Continue to provide efficient recycling services and review the potential for expanding the range of items collected and maximising the efficiency of collections wherever possible

Continue to review our household waste management strategy, reflecting carbon assessment of options, including the impact of processing waste locally or abroad, and recognising the proposals in the government's Environment Bill to potentially extend the scope of recycling collections, to include separated food waste

Using our influence and partnerships we will:

Prevent waste - provide advice and information to help reduce the amount of waste generated by householders as well as commercial waste

  • Repair and re-use - work with local organisations and contractors to maximise opportunity for items to be repaired and reused.
  • Work with businesses and partners to reduce commercial waste
  • Lobby government in support of the most sustainable options for future national waste management strategy

By recycling and composting household waste rather than sending to landfill, in 2020/21 we saved 38,781 tonnes CO2 98% of the waste collected by Wiltshire Council, for recycling, composting or reuse, was managed within the UK and not exported abroad. As well as reducing the amount of waste going to landfill, recycling helps conserve raw materials and protect natural habitats. Landfill waste produces 20 times more emissions than recycling.

One thing you can do: Waste food accounts for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, from rotting food, and through the (wasted) energy used to produce, store, transport and package it. Reduce the amount of food waste that you throw away by utilising your leftovers and meal planning.

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