Wiltshire draft climate strategy 2022-2027. August 2021
Carbon neutral council
- To become carbon neutral as an organisation by 2030
- Provide leadership locally and nationally, sharing learning
Our 2030 pledge relates to the council's carbon emissions (or 'carbon footprint') that are within our direct control, i.e. those from our operations and buildings. In order to fulfil this commitment, the council's carbon footprint will be drastically reduced compared with its current footprint and any residual emissions will be offset.
Our areas of focus
Wiltshire Council will:
! Integrate carbon reduction and climate resilience into decision-making and strategic planning
! Develop a new Carbon Neutral Council Plan to map our pathway to net zero, to include:
- Property / Assets: continue to decarbonise heating, improve energy efficiency and expand renewable electricity generation.
- Fleet: review, move to electric vehicles and identify alternative solutions for larger vehicles.
! Continue to monitor and reduce direct emissions, while working to understand and reduce scope 3 emissions (supply chain and outsourced operations) for wider impact.
! Work with the council's supply community, to help achieve economic, environmental and social benefits for the public good and the people of Wiltshire (including reduced carbon emissions) when the council buys goods or services
- Ensure council property and infrastructure is resilient to the impacts of climate change.
Using our influence and partnerships we will:
! Lobby government for increased funding and powers through groups such as UK100/ Countryside Climate Network, ADEPT and the County Councils Network
- Work with public sector partners, voluntary and community sector and over 20,000 businesses across Wiltshire to share knowledge and delivery
One thing we will do: Develop a carbon literacy programme for staff and councillors.