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Wiltshire draft climate strategy 2022-2027. August 2021

Working together

The climate emergency is a complex problem and there are no easy solutions. Everything is linked, so benefits in one area such as energy efficiency in homes can also mean 'co-benefits' in others such as warmth, health and financial savings.

Delivery within each theme will naturally cross over into other themes and will require working in partnership with organisations, residents, businesses and the entire community of Wiltshire.

Engagement with stakeholders has shown that Wiltshire organisations and businesses are already working on their own pathway to carbon neutral and are keen to work with the council and each other towards this goal.

It is clear that information and awareness will play a central part, and change by individuals as well as organisations, businesses and the council, is critical.

The council has been progressing on carbon reduction for over 10 years. It is now time to increase the scale and pace of action, working with others to achieve this.

There is interest from parish and town councils in climate change. Many are looking to Wiltshire Council for leadership and ideas for action.

(National Association of Local Councils climate change survey 2020, and engagement during the climate strategy development)





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