Easy read draft Climate Strategy September 2021
What is climate change?
The climate is what the weather is like across the world over many years. The climate is changing and the world is getting warmer.
This is because people have been burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are things like coal, oil and gas.
We burn fossil fuels to power cars, planes and other transport. We also use fossil fuels for heating our homes and to make electricity for factories.
When we burn fossil fuels we make carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas in the air that stops the world from cooling down.
Sometimes we call carbon dioxide, CO2 or carbon.
If the world gets too hot people might not be able to get enough water and it will be harder to grow food.
The weather will get more dangerous. Some places will have big wildfires or storms. Some parts of the world will be too hot to live in. Some places will be flooded.
Some animals and plants will have nowhere to live and will die out.
What can we do about climate change?
At Wiltshire Council we have said that this is a Climate Emergency. This means we need to make changes very quickly.
We will make changes at the council and try to get to net zero by 2030. Net zero means first we make less carbon. Then we take away the same amount of carbon that we make.
We will also work with others to help everyone in Wiltshire make less carbon.
About this plan
This plan is about what Wiltshire Council will do about climate change over the next 5 years.
In this plan we tell you some of the things we will do first. We also tell you how we will work with others. We also tell you what you can do to help.
We are going to focus on 7 main areas:
- Transport
- Home and buildings
- Nature food and farming
- Energy
- Green economy
- Waste
- Carbon neutral council.
We want you to tell us what you think about this plan by 17 October 2021.
We have a computer survey at: www.wiltshire.gov.uk/climate
Get help to fill in the survey if you need it.
One thing you can do: When you go on short trips use the bus, or ride a bike. For more information go to www. wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
We will make new plans and rules that will make transport better in Wiltshire.
We will work on everything needed to make more places for charging electric vehicles.
We will make plans that make it easier to walk and cycle around Wiltshire.
How we will work with others
Ask parish and town councils to support car clubs, car sharing and community and public transport.
Homes and Buildings
One thing you can do: Turn down your heating thermostat. For more information go to www. wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
Make changes to all council homes so they save energy or use renewable energy. Renewable energy is energy that will not run out. For example, energy from the sun through solar panels.
Any new building work we do we will try to make net zero carbon.
How we will work with others
Help people to understand how important it is to make their homes use less energy.
Where people cannot afford to heat their homes we will help to make their houses save energy.
Nature, Food and Farming
One thing you can do:
Use peat free compost in your garden, or try making your own compost. For more information go to www. wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
Tell people about the Community Environmental Toolkit. This toolkit helps people to plan nature projects in their local community.
Ask people what they think about the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy. This is a plan about joining nature areas together. This will make better nature areas.
Plant trees and make other nature areas on council land.
Make a plan about planting the right tree in the right place.
One thing you can do: Buy your gas or electricity from a renewable energy company. Renewable energy is energy that will not run out. For more information go to www. wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
Make renewable energy and save energy on council buildings and land.
Find the best places to make renewable energy in Wiltshire.
How we will work with others
Tell people who live in Wilshire and people we work with about why it is good to use renewable energy.
We will also ask people to use less energy.
Green Economy
One thing you can do: Get a local company to insulate your house. This will keep it warm. It will save energy and money. For more information go to www. wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
Help local businesses make more money and jobs. This will come from making houses better for the world and making renewable energy.
Ask companies who do work for us to measure how much carbon they make. We will also ask them to make less carbon.
How we will work with others
Keep telling people how important it is to 'shop local'. This means buying things from shops close to your home.
Buying local will mean you make less carbon getting to the shops. It also means you can buy things that have been made in our area. These things will not have had to travel a long way.
One thing you can do: Try not to waste food. Plan your meals and use up food that is left over. For more information go to www.wiltshire.gov.uk/climate-change-individual.
What we will do first
Keep running the recycling services. Check if there are ways we could recycle more things.
Look at our household waste management plan. If the government asks councils to collect separate food waste we will see if we can.
How we will work with others
Give advice and information to help people and businesses make less waste.
Carbon Neutral Council
One thing we will do: Teach council staff and councillors about carbon and climate change.
What we will do first
When we make choices and plans we will think about how we can make less carbon. We will also think how we can keep people safe from changes to the climate.
Make a new Carbon Neutral Council Plan. This plan will help us to get to net zero. This means first we make less carbon. Then we take away the same amount of carbon that we make.
Make less carbon at the council in all the work that we do.
How we will work with others
Work with the people we buy things from, to help make people's lives better and make less carbon.