My journey - young people's travel journey to independence
Case study: Meet Josh
Josh was referred to Community Connecting by his job coach. Josh had finished college and wanted to find paid employment. He understood the need for getting as many skills for work as he could and voluntary work would give him some experience and skills to add to his CV.
During the profiling process it was identified that although Josh's goal was to gain a voluntary opportunity, he would also benefit from being able to get there independently. If he could travel further, he would be able to apply for a wider range of jobs.
There were two options that would get him to his volunteer role; walking or a bus route that would take him there. Josh chose to walk first as this would build his confidence.
Travel training began, this included:
- Discussing hazards
- Safe places
- Safe crossing points
- In case of emergency (ICE) card
- Josh needed a fully charged mobile phone
After learning the route on the first week Josh would lead the way demonstrating that he could remember the way. The focus was then on where to cross and being aware of potential hazards along the route.
Then he was ready a quality check was carried out and Josh was deemed safe to walk independently. He now walks to and from his voluntary role independently.
Supported by Lindsey Neale
Community Connecting
January 2021