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Guide to the Call-in process


Call-in is a provision of the Local Government Act (2000) that enables councillors to ensure that the principles of decision-making set out in the council's Constitution (opens new window) are adhered to. It allows Overview and Scrutiny (O&S) committees to require the council's executive to reconsider certain decisions prior to implementation.

Call-in is only intended to be used in exceptional circumstances when councillors believe that a decision has been taken in a way that is contrary to the council's principles of decision-making and when representations to the decision maker about these concerns have not resolved the issue.

This guide supports Part 8 of the council's constitution - Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rule (opens new window) - and describes:

  • which decisions can be called in
  • who can call a decision in
  • how to request a call-in
  • what options overview and scrutiny committees have when considering a decision that has been called in
  • what decision makers must do when a decision has been called in and referred back to them for reconsideration.

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