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Guide to the Call-in process

Call-in and urgent decisions

The call-in procedure does not apply when a decision being taken by Cabinet is considered urgent. A decision can be considered urgent if the delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the council's or the public's interests.

The notice and record of decisions must state if the decision maker considers them urgent and therefore not subject to call-in. The Chairman of the Council must agree that the decision proposed is reasonable in the circumstances and that it can be considered urgent. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman's consent is required. In the absence of both, the Head of Paid Service or his or her nominee's consent is required. Decisions taken as a matter of urgency must be reported to the next available meeting of Full Council, together with the reasons why it was considered urgent.

If you have any questions about the call-in process please contact the Designated Scrutiny Officer or another member of the Scrutiny team via 01225 718052 or (opens new window).

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