Guide to the Call-in process
The call-in process: The call-in request (step 1)
The call-in request
- An executive decision taken by any of the following can be subject to a call-in request:
- Cabinet
- Cabinet member
- Cabinet committee
- Area committee with executive powers
- Cabinet committee under joint arrangements Officer taking a key decision under delegated authority
NB. Decisions taken by regulatory bodies such as planning and licensing committees are not subject to call-in. - Decisions taken by Cabinet are recorded in the meeting minutes, published on the council website (opens new window).
Decisions taken by individual Cabinet Members are published on the council website (opens new window).
Records of key decisions taken by officers under delegated powers are available from the Law & Governance team.
Notice of all executive decisions must bear the date of publication (where appropriate) and the date when it will come into force and be implemented. - Such decisions can only come into force and be implemented when 5 clear working daysfrom the date of publication have elapsed. During this 5-day period, 10 or more non-executive councillors may ask the Designated Scrutiny Officer to call the decision in, on the grounds that they feel that the principles of decision-making have not been adhered to. This action in effect stops the decision from being implemented until the call-in has been resolved.
- A request to call a decision in must be received by 5pm on the final working day of the 5 clear working day period.
The Constitution states that call-in is an exceptional power. It is only intended for use when councillors believe that the principles of decision-making as set out in Article 13 of the Constitution (opens new window) have not been followed. It is not intended for use when councillors simply disagree with the decision taken and wish to appeal it.
The principles of decision-making are:- to produce action that is proportionate to the desired outcome
- to ensure open, fair and honest administration
- to be clear over desired outcomes and aims
- to record the options considered and discarded
- to state the reasons for the action
- to consult interested parties where appropriate and practicable
- to consult appropriate officers and to seek their professional advice
- to show due respect for human rights, and to provide equality of opportunity
- to obtain best value and operate efficiently, effectively and economically
- to serve Wiltshire communities and to work in partnership with other agencies having the same aim to promote the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the county
- to determine issues at the lowest level commensurate with their importance
- to keep and sustain what is useful in the traditions of the authority and to reject any practices or services retained purely out of sentiment
- When requesting a call-in, councillors are asked to complete the O&S Call-in Request form, appended to the downloadable version of this guidance, or available from any member of the Scrutiny team. The form requests the following information:
- Details of the decision to be called in
- Which of the principles of decision-making have not been followed and in what way(s)
- The names of the 10 or more councillors requesting the call-in
- The action already taken to resolve the matter, including representations made to the decision maker