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Guide to the Call-in process

The call-in process: The meeting to consider the call-in (step 2)

  1. O&S Management Committee must then meet within 5 clear working days of receipt of the call-in request to consider whether the principles of decision-making have, or have not, been followed. If it does not meet within this period the decision will take effect on the expiry of that period.
  2. Arrangements for the meeting will be made by the Designated Scrutiny Officer in consultation with the Chairman of the O&S  Management Committee, including the time, date, venue and process to be followed for the meeting. The decision maker and appropriate colleagues will be notified of the call-in.
  3. Agenda papers for the meeting will depend on the specific case, but may include:
    • A report describing the background to the decision and call-in request, the process to be followed for the meeting and the options available to O&S Management Committee
    • The original notice of the decision plus any appendices
    • Any further information considered useful and relevant by the Chairman of the O&S Management Committee
  4. The process for the meeting will depend on the specific case, but may include:
    • An opportunity for public participation
    • A representative of those councillors who requested the call-in outlining their concerns with reference to the principles of decision-making
    • The decision maker (and supporting colleagues) responding to the points raised with reference to the principles of decision-making
    • Members of O&S Management Committee discussing the evidence presented and asking the call-in requestor(s) and decision maker questions
    • Call-in requestor(s) and the decision maker making any final comments
    • Members of O&S Management Committee debating the matter and agreeing its resolution

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