A parents guide to school admission appeals
Completing the appeal form
You can download an appeals form School Admission Appeal Form (OpenDocument text format, 20 KB)(opens new window).
You must complete an appeals form, even if you have selected "appeal" on the parent portal.
Alternatively please email educationappealsadmin@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window) or call customer services on 01225 713010 to request a form. Accessible versions of the form are available upon request.
If you are appealing for a place at more than one school, you must complete separate forms for each school.
Please take the following information into account when you fill in the form:
- Complete the form clearly and ensure that you provide all the information requested. If you don't, this may result in a delay in processing your application.
- If you know your appeal is an infant class size appeal, please complete the sections on that as well. Infant class size appeals apply to appeals for entry into year R, year 1 or year 2 where the class size is 30 or more. See the infant class size appeals section.
- Your "grounds of appeal" are very important as this helps the panel understand your child's case. This section must be completed. If not, the form will be returned to you. Please explain, as fully as you can, why you want your child to attend the school that you have been refused. If you think your application for a place at the school has not been treated correctly or in accordance with the admissions criteria, then you should explain why.
- If there are medical issues involved, it is important that these are supported by written evidence, i.e. doctor's letter.
- If your case is based on a house move, you should provide written evidence to confirm this. For example, a letter from your solicitor, proof of exchange of contracts or a copy of your tenancy agreement.
- You may also include other relevant letters, correspondence, reports or documents to support your case.
- You don't need to wait until you have all supporting evidence before you send your form to us as this may delay the processing of your appeal. Send supporting evidence to the appeals team as soon as possible if you can't attach them to your appeal form. At the very latest all information needs to be with the appeals team at least 2 working days before the appeal hearing or this will cause a delay. The appeal panel can refuse to admit late evidence and can delay the hearing while they consider this.
- If, for any reason, you cannot attend the appeal hearing the panel will make a decision based upon what you have sent in. Let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend your appeal hearing.
Make sure you sign and date your form. (If you are completing the form electronically a typed signature is acceptable).
Where to send your appeals form
Email a completed copy of your form to educationappealsadmin@wiltshire.gov.uk (opens new window). Please complete the form electronically or print and scan the completed form/take clear pictures of your handwritten form and attach these to an email to us. If you have any issues regarding this, please telephone 01225 718259, 01225 718059 or 01225 718352.