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Guide to the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) process

What is a Councillor Call for Action (CCfA)?

 CCfA is a process that puts you as local councillors at the head of dealing with issues of concern in your local communities. It gives you a central role in calling to account the work of council services and other agencies at a local level. When concerns arise - either as a result of information from individuals, community groups or your own observations, councillors should be able to trigger a response from service providers and help ensure the concerns are dealt with. The CCfA allows you to trigger a scrutiny review. It should be used as a last resort, when a problem cannot be solved.

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A branded version of this document is available to download in various formats:

  • Portable Document Format (PDF) - Guide to the CCfA process (PDF, 260 KB)(opens new window) same information as this web version but includes a flow chart and the 'Request by a Member of the Council for an issue of concern in their local community to be referred to an Overview & Scrutiny Committee' form
  • Portable Document Format (PDF) - the 'Print entire document' link  found at the bottom of any page can be used produce a plain-text PDF file combining all pages of the document.

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