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Guide to the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) process

How will is work in practice?


Local concern identified by:

  • individual(s)
  • partners or community groups
  • councillor


  • Councillor determines that the wider community interest might justify CCfA  
  • Councillor initiates CCfA to the respective area board by completing the appropriate request form
    • Occasionally the mere initiation of a CCfA resolves the issue.


  • Councillor resolved the issue locally


  • Councillor rejects consideration of concern and states reasons
  • Councillor gives advice about other procedures e.g. complaints

Area Board

In preparing for the area board's consideration, the community engagement manager and the relevant scrutiny officer meet to discuss how the matter might be taken forward in the event that the area board endorses the recommendation. 


  • Area Board considers request form and endorses referral to the relevant O&S Committee


  • Area Board rejects request for CCfA and states reason


  • Area Board are able to resolve issue locally

O&S Committee


  • Relevant O&S Committee considers the matter and publishes its report and recommendations
  • Relevant O&S Committee will in writing require the executive or other body to consider the report; respond; publish response (if required) within 28 days
  • Feedback to the local councillor who submitted the CCfA


  • Relevant O&S Committee rejects CCfA/states reasons. Issue raised by the CCfA is recorded for the committee's future work program plans

NB. Feedback to the local councillor should be ensured throughout the process. All CCfA requests are logged with the scrutiny officer and appear as a standard item on the OSC agenda. If considered necessary, the OSC can refer the CCfA direct to an O&S committee in the case of rejection at Area Board level.

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