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Guide to the Councillor Call for Action (CCfA) process

Going ahead with a CCfA

Having found that you are unable to resolve your matter of local concern with the cabinet, service department, partner or by any other means, the steps to take in raising a CCfA request are:

  1. Complete and submit the CCfA form to your Community Engagement Manager ( form available in the downloadable version of this document or from the scrutiny team)
  2. On receiving the form, you should receive a response from the Community Engagement Manager within 5 working days inviting you to a meeting to discuss the matter with the Area Board Chairman
  3. Subject to the outcome to this meeting, you will then be informed of the area board meeting date at which your CCfA will be considered, and you will be advised on how to present your CCfA
  4. Subject to the outcome of the area board's consideration, the matter raised by the CCfA will either be resolved at that meeting, or referred to the relevant overview and scrutiny committee for further consideration.
  5. If your matter is referred to an overview and scrutiny committee, you will be informed of the date of the meeting and advised on your role at that meeting.

For further information please contact (opens new window)

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