CGR Terms of Reference 2021-2022
Who will undertake the Review?
The Council has appointed an Electoral Review Committee to carry out all aspects of the reviews and to make recommendations to the Council in due course. The Committee comprises a politically balanced membership of ten Members. Other Members and the public may attend the formal committee meetings. The relevant section of the Committee's terms of reference are set out in part 3B paragraph 2.10 of the constitution (opens new window) as follows:
2.10.7 To oversee any community governance reviews within the Wiltshire Council area, including contacting all parishes for proposals, setting the scope for any review, its methodology, and its timescales. The Committee will prepare final recommendations for any changes for consideration by Full Council.
2.10.8 The Committee will consider whether it is appropriate to make, and is empowered to suggest for consultation and recommendation, changes to parish areas and parish electoral arrangements, to include:
- The alteration, merging, creation or abolition of parishes;
- The naming of parishes and adoption of alternative styles for new parishes;
- Parish council size, number of councillors to be elected, and warding arrangements;
- Any other electorate arrangements.
2.10.9 Where it would be appropriate to do so the Committee may recommend that as a result of proposed parish changes a unitary division be amended so that it remains coterminous with that parish. Any such change would need to be agreed by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England if approved by Full Council.
As the relevant principal authority, Wiltshire Council is responsible for conducting any Community Governance Review within its electoral area. The Electoral Review Committee will oversee the review and produce draft and final recommendations. Full Council will approve the final recommendations before a Community Governance Order ("An Order") is made.