Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22
What is overview and scrutiny?
Wiltshire Council is run by councillors elected by the people of Wiltshire. A small number of them form the cabinet (also referred to as the executive) which sets the direction, determines the priorities and takes important decisions. The councillors in the cabinet hold powerful positions and it is important that they are held to public account for their actions. This is done through a system called Overview and
Scrutiny and is undertaken by the non-executive councillors.
This is common to most local councils. Overview and Scrutiny ensure that decisions are taken based on good evidence including the views of those with an interest in the matter and are in the best interests of the people of Wiltshire. Overview and Scrutiny is selective in what it looks at so that it can add value to the most important services provided by the council, its partners and contractors. Wherever possible it helps to shape policy through early Overview and Scrutiny as well as scrutinising proposals before they are finally agreed. A list of the matters which will be considered by OS is published in its forward work programme (opens new window).