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Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2021/22

Looking forward

Covid-19 has placed significant new financial pressures on local authorities, on top of existing demographic challenges and rising costs of care for vulnerable children and adults. In Wiltshire, Overview and Scrutiny will contribute to meeting this challenge by acting as a 'critical friend' to decision-makers, supporting innovation in how the council and its partners deliver services and acting as the voice of the people when important decisions are being made.

In February 2022, the council agreed a new ten-year business plan. OS will be using the plan as a guiding document, working to ensure that all of the priorities agreed in the Plan are achieved. There will be an increasing focus on using data to monitor whether public services are delivering real outcomes for Wiltshire residents.

Since its introduction in 2000, OS has become an integral part of decision-making at the council. We will be working to ensure this remains the case, with all significant executive decisions receiving prior OS input and as many elected representatives as possible contributing to OS's work.

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