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Disabled Facilities Grants for Children Information Sheet

Private Sector Housing

Private Sector Housing administers the grant application and is responsible for making the decision about approving the grant and making payments. The team will also confirm the amount of grant that is available. They can also act on your behalf as an agent for you providing help and advice on benefits and other sources for funding when the work isn't covered by the DFG. They will write the specification for the work, organise the tenders and supervise the work. Our staff have a wealth of experience in managing both the grant application and the design and build process. You are, of course, free to choose an alternative, but we advise that you discuss options and preferences with the Private Sector Housing Team and your occupational therapist before making a start.

As part of this role they need to ensure that all options have been considered at an early stage. Staff will liaise with the OT to consider which options are necessary and appropriate to meet the needs of the disabled child. They will also consider whether the work is reasonable and practicable, having regard to the age, condition and layout of the property. The team also have to take into account the condition of the property and whether it is safe to live in. They also have to consider if the dwelling is suitable for adaptation due to its design, any planning constraints and the effect of any adaptations on others.

Where there are several options or the options are unusual or complex, a case conference involving other professionals may be arranged to ensure that all the options are considered from all view points and the decision reached is justified, cost effective and consistent in relation to the regulations that govern the terms of a DFG.

Before approving an application Private Sector Housing will need to be sure that the proposal is the most cost effective option for meeting the disabled child's needs and that the application is properly made.

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