Disabled Facilities Grants for Children Information Sheet
Re-Housing if Renting
If you rent your property, your child's Occupational Therapist (OT) may be able to help you with your application for re-housing and registering with Homes for Wiltshire (H4W).
They would advise on your child's present and future predicted functional needs and how this relates to the type of property that would be more suitable for your family. They may also be able to write a report supporting your request for a move. This would be helpful in any bid you make for a property through the H4W scheme.
If the housing department is aware of your family's long term needs for adapted properties and they can also try and influence the Housing Association's new build programme to accommodate this.
If you own your property, the OT will be able to advise you regarding the suitability of any prospective properties you wish to purchase.