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Disabled Facilities Grants for Children Information Sheet

Applying for a Disabled Facilities Grant

You can apply for a DFG for your disabled child if your home is the main, or only, residence of the child and you are able to confirm your intention for the child to remain living in your home as their main or only residence throughout the grant period (normally 5 years). You will be required to sign a certificate stating your intention to remain in the property for the next 5 years.

You are advised to contact your child's OT in order to find out what help may be available for your disabled child before starting any adaptation work on your home, as grants will not normally be provided retrospectively.

Prior to making an application, your child's OT will make an assessment of the child's needs and confirm that the proposed works are necessary and appropriate. For some medical conditions the OT will need to seek advice from the disabled child's consultant or other specialists.

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