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Disabled Facilities Grants for Children Information Sheet

Payment of the grant

Grant monies will be paid only when the council is satisfied that the work has been completed to its satisfaction, meets the need and is in accordance with the detailed specification laid down in the schedule of works and with the grant approval.

You are responsible for ensuring that your builder meets the standard you require.

A grant can be paid only on provision of an acceptable invoice, demand or receipt of payment for the works. An invoice is not acceptable if it is for work or services provided by the applicant or a member of his or her family. Where the works are carried out by the applicant or a relative, only invoices for materials or services that are purchased and brought in may be considered.

The council may pay the grant in full on completion of the works or by instalments as the work progresses and the council will normally pay the grant directly to your contractor. This should not affect your right to ensure that the contractor has completed the works to your satisfaction. If the contractor has not, you should notify the council at the earliest opportunity so that they can withhold payment, if appropriate.

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