Your opportunity to help shape the vision for Future Chippenham
Shaping the vision
Wiltshire Council would like to hear from you.
The Future Chippenham programme represents the proposed residential development to the south of the town.
By designing neighbourhoods that are infrastructure led and which could deliver high quality, well designed and sustainable communities that meet the needs of the town, including much-needed affordable housing for the area.
Wiltshire Council is inviting local people to input into and help shape the vision for Future Chippenham, to enable sustainable growth and meet the needs of the local community and economy for future generations.
Local people can be involved by either taking the opportunity to come and talk to us at one of our pop-up events or completing the online questionnaire.
Feedback received from key stakeholders and members of the community will help shape the final vision for the Future Chippenham development and clarify the benefits and principles of the development.
This will then feed into the Framework Masterplan that is being developed for the entire site. A Framework Masterplan is a dynamic long term plan that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Masterplanning is about making the connection between buildings, the community and their surrounding environments. A full public consultation on the Future Chippenham Framework Masterplan is planned to be held in Spring 2022.
About Future Chippenham
Future Chippenham sets out a future that can help meet the need for vital new homes and jobs in a way which can help solve some of the challenges threatening the town.
The Government has set a target of over 40,000 homes to be built within Wiltshire between now and 2036 to address the urgent need for new homes. Young people, key workers and families face significant challenges in getting on the property ladder, while there is also a lack of specialist accommodation.
Future Chippenham will create a framework for delivering new homes in integrated, walkable neighbourhoods with their own distinct character.
Evidence tells us that the environment a person lives in has a hugely significant impact on their health and wellbeing. Access to clean air, green spaces and opportunities to exercise can all make a dramatic contribution in boosting physical and mental health. Future Chippenham will provide opportunities for leisure and active recreation and promote more sustainable and active transport choices, that reduce the need for car travel.
The Framework Masterplan aims to reflect the qualities of Chippenham as a thriving, popular market town with a close community, and can help secure those characteristics into the future.
Future Chippenham can help to:
- provide a diverse range of new homes affordable to all, set within a high quality environment which can meet the communities' day to day needs for services, recreation, leisure and enjoyment
- support innovative masterplanning ensuring policy compliant development that is able to be
- proactive to respond to the climate emergency through well-designed, high-quality, future proofed developments
- prevent poor design - in the absence of Future Chippenham, development will still happen, but the benefits of an infrastructure led development with a holistic masterplanned approach will be lost for the community and the town
Using Garden Communities principles, Future Chippenham can help to:
- provide the infrastructure led masterplanned development that provides much needed homes and connects them to their communities and surrounding environments
- promote active and sustainable communities which meet the needs of residents to live, work and enjoy leisure and recreational activities in their community
- support the delivery of planned highways and social infrastructure at the outset such as schools, doctors' surgeries, community areas
- create integrated developments which support the town, moving away from cookie cutter developments for our towns and residents. Future Chippenham aims to utilise council owned land to help support the proposed development, which is all subject to the outcome of the Local Plan review. If the development comes forward as part of the Local Plan process, this can unlock additional funds through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for investing in community infrastructure and facilities that Chippenham needs, including improvements to the town centre.
By adopting an Innovative and dynamic masterplanning approach to this development we can ensure we respond to the climate emergency with developments of a high standard produced through agreed design principles that is future proofed to respond to existing and emerging climate change initiatives.
Through careful design and innovation, Future Chippenham can help to:
- create infrastructure led development ensuring all social and community infrastructure is in the right place and at the right time to support its community
- provide a dynamic long term plan for the whole site that is deliverable and sustainable to meet the needs of the town
- create 15-minute neighbourhoods with all facilities and services within a 15-minute walk or cycle
- enhance habitats and wildlife by replacing intensively farmed agriculture with a combination of sustainable development and a network of country parks, water features and woodlands
- deliver a network of walking and cycling routes
- support and promote more sustainable transport solutions
Without Future Chippenham, development will still happen, but without the full benefits of a masterplanned approach.
Chippenham is unique in that it is situated in two major growth zones in Wiltshire, so development will come forward. We need to make sure that this development is the very best it can be and ensure it benefits our local area.
Future Chippenham will create a new model of development, ground breaking in its approach to providing residents and visitors with a place to live and to work, reflective and understanding of the history and beauty of the surrounding built and natural environment. It will be a place that meets existing and future challenges by being environmentally sustainable; resilient and adaptable to climate change; where health and wellbeing are part of the fabric; with a vibrant and diverse community with easy access to first class recreational and social facilities; and an economically prosperous community with an enduring sense of belonging.
Get involved
Wiltshire Council would like to hear from you.
As local residents you know your community better than anyone. We want to understand what Chippenham could and should be like in the future.
Join us at one of our pop-up events taking place across Chippenham:
- The Olympiad on Saturday 27 November 2021 from 9am
- Artisan Market in Chippenham High Street on Sunday 28 November 2021
- Wiltshire College & University Centre, Chippenham Campus on Thursday 2 December 2021 from 8.30am
- Chippenham Railway Station on Friday 3 December 2021 from 7am to 9am and again from 3.30pm
- Borough Parade on Saturday 4 December 2021 from 8am
Alternatively, you can fill out a questionnaire at Future Chippenham or contact Wiltshire Council's Customer Services on 0300 456 0100 if you require the information as a paper copy or in a different format. You can also keep up to date on the progress of this project by signing up to receive the Future Chippenham newsletter (opens new window).