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Mobile Homes FPP fees


  1. As the Director for Housing and Commercial Development, I am responsible for any matters relating to the licensing of caravan site in Wiltshire.
  2. The Regulations require that a local authority must make a fit a proper person assessment in relation to land used as a relevant protected site. The local authority once determining an application must:
    a. Establish and keep up to date a register of person who they are satisfied are fit and proper persons to manage a relevant protected site in their area
    b. Make the register open to the inspection by members of the public at the offices of the local authority during normal office house: and
    c. Publish the register online
  3. To undertake this function there are cost to the council that may be made. The fee must be received for the application at the time of submission
  4. The matter which may be considered in connection with a charge are considered in Appendix 1. The hourly rate has bene based on the council of the employment of a Housing Conditions Officer including support and other on costs.

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