Mobile Homes FPP fees
- As the Director for Housing and Commercial Development, I am responsible for any matters relating to the licensing of caravan site in Wiltshire.
- The Regulations require that a local authority must make a fit a proper person assessment in relation to land used as a relevant protected site. The local authority once determining an application must:
a. Establish and keep up to date a register of person who they are satisfied are fit and proper persons to manage a relevant protected site in their area
b. Make the register open to the inspection by members of the public at the offices of the local authority during normal office house: and
c. Publish the register online - To undertake this function there are cost to the council that may be made. The fee must be received for the application at the time of submission
- The matter which may be considered in connection with a charge are considered in Appendix 1. The hourly rate has bene based on the council of the employment of a Housing Conditions Officer including support and other on costs.