A tenant's guide - The Right to Buy
Introduction - The Right to Buy
In this information article the term 'the council' means Wiltshire Council.
Under the Right to Buy scheme, occupiers of council houses and flats owned by Wiltshire Council who are secure tenants may have a right to buy their homes at a price lower than the full market value. This is because after a length of time spent as a tenant you become entitled to a discount.
This article is available to all council tenants, and describes some aspects of the Right to Buy scheme as it works today, so that you can consider whether you have the right to buy your home. You do not have to buy your home, but if you would like to, the information contained in this article will be of use to you. This article is not a substitute for professional advice. We have tried to make it easy to understand. If you require more information visit GOV.UK: Guidance overview: Your right to buy your home: a guide (opens new window).
If you wish to exercise the Right to Buy, it is recommended that you seek independent legal and financial advice about your individual circumstances and to help with the legal process of buying a home. You should also seek independent financial advice about the different types of mortgage that are available.
If you are approached by a person or company offering to help you buy your council home, check out what's in it for them and talk to the Housing Management Department before signing up to any deal.
No-one from the council will call at your home or telephone you to try and persuade you to buy your house.
There have been some changes in the Right to Buy scheme and these changes have been included in this leaflet. The Government is totally committed to the principle of Right to Buy but it is concerned that sales are affecting the availability of affordable housing in some areas and that the rules are being exploited by companies. The maximum discount available to secure tenants exercising their Right to Buy in the Wiltshire area, from 21 November 2024, is £30,000.