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A tenant's guide - The Right to Buy

Right to Buy landlords

To have the Right to Buy your home, you must be a secure tenant of one of the following bodies in England and Wales.

  • A District Council.
  • A County Council or County Borough Council.
  • A London Borough Council.
  • The Common Council of the City of London.
  • The Council of the Isles of Scilly.

Any of the following bodies which were set up when the Greater London Council and the metropolitan county councils were abolished:

  • A Metropolitan County Police Authority.
  • The Northumbria Police Authority.
  • A Metropolitan County Fire and Civil Defence Authority.
  • The London Fire and Civil Defence Authority.
  • A Metropolitan County Passenger Authority.
  • The London Waste Regulation Authority.
  • The West London, North London, East London and Western Riverside Waste Disposal Authorities.
  • The Merseyside and Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authorities.
  • A registered social landlord such as a housing association that is registered with the Housing Corporation or Welsh Assembly Government. This only applies if you are a former secure tenant of a local authority or another 'Right to Buy landlord' and your home was transferred to a registered social landlord.

You may not buy your home if you are the tenant of a registered social landlord that is:

  • A charity.
  • A landlord which has not received public subsidy.
  • A co-operative association.
  • The Housing Corporation.

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