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A tenant's guide - The Right to Buy

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There are other free booklets that may help you.

Before you apply to buy a flat it is strongly recommended that you read booklets 'GOV.UK: Guidance Residential long leaseholders - a guide to your rights and responsibilities (opens new window)' and 'GOV.UK: Guidance overview: Thinking of buying your council flat? (opens new window)'

If you have already bought a flat and are disputing the service charges, Chapter 7 of 'GOV.UK: Guidance Residential long leaseholders - a guide to your rights and responsibilities (opens new window)' may help.

You can get these booklets free from the council, from a Citizens Advice Bureau or housing advice centre, or from the Department for Communities and Local Government or the Welsh Assembly Government.

Council leaseholders and right to buy

Right to buy

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