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Infrastructure delivery plan

The Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) sets out the infrastructure requirements to support planned new development in Wiltshire.

It is an evolving part of the evidence base for the Wiltshire Core Strategy and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule and Infrastructure Funding Statement. The Core Strategy will facilitate the delivery of infrastructure to achieve its vision for Wiltshire. Funds raised from CIL will contribute towards the funding of these infrastructure requirements.

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires the council to plan for and, where possible, help deliver the necessary infrastructure to support new development.

Future growth (planned and 'windfall') will increase demand on local infrastructure and social facilities. Pressure on infrastructure will also come from:

  • a growing and ageing population
  • a fluctuating but increasing military population, and
  • the unavoidable impact of climate change.

The IDP brings together a range of data to inform investment decisions by the council and its delivery partners, including:

  • infrastructure requirements
  • projected costs, and
  • funding mechanisms.

These investment decisions currently take place within a challenging economic context, with reduced funding opportunities for local government and other service providers. A key purpose of the IDP is to prioritise infrastructure projects in order to focus resources on achieving objectives that would not come forward without assistance.

The third edition of the IDP was published in December 2016 and is available to download below.

Infrastructure Delivery Plan 3 (December 2016)

Previous editions of the Infrastructure Delivery Plan

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